Chemistry and Society

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The topics that students will have to present to the class orally and in writing to the teacher, are freely chosen. Students will need to reflect the role and interaction of chemistry in society in diverse perspectives: environment and sustainable development, chemical and heavy industry, fine products, chemical treatment, chemical and labor market, chemistry and economic development, chemistry and scientific research, the role of chemistry in the life sciences and health, etc.

Learning Outcomes

1. Understanding and use of concepts in chemistry; understand the structure of the discipline and connection with others, ability to synthesize information

2. Apply knowledge to solve problems in new situations

3. Interpret data, substantiate and argue orally and in writing of certain decisions

4. Understand and use sources of information. Ability to search and use bibliography; know adequately to transmit their knowledge, even for the non-specialist public

5. Ability to learn independently throughout their lives


Generic skills:

Competence in analysis and synthesis, in organization and planning;

Competence in oral and written communication;

Computer knowledge concerning the field of study;

Using the internet as a means of communication and source of information;

Competence to communicate with people who are not experts in the field;

Competence to understand the language of other experts;

Competence in autonomous learning.

Work Placement(s)



This course aims the recognition by the student role that chemistry plays in social life, economics, technology, medicine, arts, etc.. of today. Several scientific cultures contributed to a progressively more perfect understanding of the phenomena of nature in view of human intervention in the physical world. In this desideratum chemistry has assumed a special role.

Moreover, the chemistry is possibly the most useful science to look at  the processe of formation of ideas and scientific concepts, scientific methodologies, industry practices, etc., assuming a very rich and diverse role in solving the problems of society.

This unit intends to teach  the students to the social value of the knowledge that chemistry has been given to our life in society.

The topics that students will have to present to the class orally and in writing to the teacher, are freely chosen by students, within the general subject of the course.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sérgio Paulo Jorge Rodrigues

Assessment Methods

Classroom debate of the papers presented: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 80.0%


Material fornecido pelo professor.