Risk Assessment in Food Safety I

Academic year
Subject Area
Health Sciences and Technologies
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

The recommended prerequisites include what is taught in the 1 st cycle courses in the area of Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary, Nutrition, and Agricultural, Bioanalytical, Biological, Chemical Sciences or Engineering or other courses considered appropriate by the FFUC Scientific Council.

Teaching Methods

Lectures: lectures with a strong component of dialogue and application in practical cases, essentially using the visual media ("data show"). Study personnel and / or tutorial: read the recommended bibliography and provided by professors.

Learning Outcomes

a) To contribute to a consistent knowledge of future Food Safety Masters in the area of food safety risk assessment;
b) To know the principles of risk assessment in foods and apply this methodology to sampling practices, to sensory analysis, to irradiated foods, to food additives, to novel foods and to food supplements, as well as to packaging components;
c) To provide knowledge of advanced analytical methodologies and instrumental techniques available to assess the concentration of analytes in food and water, in order to determine their exposure.

a) Providing requirements for an adequate proper performance of risk assessment;
b) Providing adequate tools for the implementation and interpretation of food risk assessment;
c) Assisting public and private entities in all actions that aimed to control risks originated by foods.

Work Placement(s)



Principles of risk assessment
Sampling and risk assessment
Analytical methods and risk assessment
Sensory analysis and risk assessment
The risk assessment of additives for foods and feeds
Risk assessment caused by radiation
Risk assessment of the migration of packaging components
Risk assessment in novel foods
Risk assessment of food supplements.

Head Lecturer(s)

Fernando Jorge dos Ramos

Assessment Methods

The evaluation is made by exam. This consists of one test, which consists in one final write examination: 100.0%


FAO/WHO (2009) - Principles and methods for the risk assessment of chemicals in food, Geneve, Switzerland, ISBN 978 92 4 157240 8
Regulation (EC) No 258/97
Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004
EU Commission Directive 2002/72/EC
Lacroix M. (2005), Irradiation of Foods, In Emerging Technologies for Food Processing, Da-Wen Sun (Ed.), Elsevier.
Ordóñez J.A.P., Rodríguez M.I.C., Álvarez L.F., Sanz M.L.G., Minguillón G.D.G.F., Perales L.H. e Cortecero M.D.S. (2005), Irradiação de alimentos, In Tecnologia de Alimentos, Vol. I, Componentes dos Alimentos e Processos, Juan A. Ordóñez (Ed.), Artmed, Brasil.
Codex Stan 106-1983, Rev. 1-2003 – “General Standard for Irradiated Foods”.
Codex Stan 231 - 2001 – “General Methods for the Detection of Irradiated Foods” (Revisto em 2003).