Communication Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Communication and Education
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology:

The Seminar will work under continuous evaluation: presentation of content, clarification of doubts and orientation tasks by teachers; presentation and discussion of comments and tasks by the students. It is planned the holding conferences by researchers/external teachers

Learning Outcomes

1. Developing research tools for tackling the appropriate methodologies for the research proposed.

2. Characterising the role of communication and education in modern societies for building identities and fighting for their recognition.

3. Obtaining a broad understanding of social, cultural and political relations established through communication and education.

4. Interpreting communicational and educational phenomena through the theories of democracy.

5. Understanding the potential and dystopia of new media.

Work Placement(s)



1. Concepts of methodologies and research in Contemporary Communication and Education.

2. Communication, Public Space and the Power of Discourse.

3. Ethics and communication.

4. The social history of the Child and the Family.

5. The schooling process and contemporary Portuguese society.

6. Education and citizenship.    

Head Lecturer(s)

Luís Carlos Martins d`Almeida Mota

Assessment Methods

Assessment method: On top of the mandatory assessment methods— bibliographic and documentary research project (15 p. of text and notes) and a critical review (6 p. of text) —, PhD students are urged to attend and participate informally in the classes, to prepare and deliver talks, to organise conferences-discussions and field trips, etc. : 20.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Research work: 50.0%


FERIN, I.; SANTOS, C. A.; SILVEIRINHA, M. J.; PEIXINHO, A. T., (2004), Media, Imigração e Minorias Étnicas, Lisboa, ACIME/Observatório da Imigração.

FERREIRA, A. G.; MOTA, L. (2009), «Do Magistério Primário a Bolonha. Políticas de formação de professores do ensino primário»,  Exedra. Coimbra,ESEC/IPC, n.º 1, Junho de 2009, pp. 69-90.

FERREIRA, A. G.; MOTA, L. , (2009), «La construcción de la modernidad y las influencias alemanas en la educación en Portugal. Jaime Moniz y la reforma de la enseñanza secundaria», DÍAZ, J. M. H. Coord. – Influencias Alemanas en la Educación Española e Iberoamericana, Salamanca, Globalia Ediciones Anthema, pp. 519-534.

VARGUES, I. N. (2007), “Espaço público e história da comunicação contemporânea: os casos Dreyfus, ‘Guerra dos Mundos’ e Watergate”, Separata de Espaços públicos, Poder e Comunicação, Public Spaces, Power and Communication, org. de Edmundo Balsemão Pires, Porto, Edições Afrontamento, pp.197-208.