Theatre Anthropology
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Not applicable.
Teaching Methods
- Lectures by the teacher.
- Analysis of texts.
- Movie Viewing.
- Debate in class.
Learning Outcomes
The course aims to articulate, at a first moment, Theatre Anthropology with Philosophical Anthropology, namely in the isues concerning the unity and identity of human beings into their constituent elements; at a second moment, the aim is to root Theatre Anthropology in a Philosophy of the Body which core is the Anthropology of Emotions; at a third moment, it is aimed to understand the developments of Theatre Anthropology at the emergency of the different tendencies of the "Théâtre d'Art" and its critical legacy (Stanislavski, Artaud, Grotowski, Peter Brook); finally, one last moment, will deal with one of the most significant tendencies of Theatre Anthropology, represented by Eugenio Barba.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction to Theatre Anthropology in its different dimensions
2. What is man: description, explanation and understanding of the human being.
3. From the dualism to the unity of man in the multidimensionality of its constitution.
4. Philosophy of the body and Theatre Anthropology:
a) Body’s representations in the contemporary world.
b) For an anthropology of emotions.
c) Faces and masks: playing identity and otherness.
5. Theatre Anthropology and dialogue between cultures
6. Theatre Anthropology and "Théâtre d'Art": signals from multipath, and latest critical legacies (Stanislavsky, Appia, Artaud, Grotowski, Peter Brook).
7. Eugenio Barba’s Theatre Anthropology.
Head Lecturer(s)
Ricardo de Seiça Alves Salgado
Assessment Methods
Participation: 10.0%
Reading Notes: 20.0%
Research work: 70.0%
ANDRÉ, João Maria - "Artes e multiculturalidade: o teatro como campo de diálogo intercultural". Revista de História das Ideias, 32 (2011), pp. 515-567.
ARTAUD, Antonin — Le théâtre et son double. Paris, Gallimard, 1964. (Trad. port.: Fenda Edições, 2006)
BARBA, Eugenio e SAVARESE, Nicola - L'arte segreta dell'attore. Un dizionario di antropologia teatrale. Milano, Ubulibri, 2005.
BROOK, Peter — O espaço vazio. Lisboa, Orfeu Negro, 2008.
GIL, José — Metamorfoses do corpo. Lisboa Relógio d’Água, 1997.
LE BRETON, David — Les passions ordinaires. Anthropologie des émotions. Paris, Armand Colin, 1998.
OIDA, Yoshi - L'acteur invisible. Arles, Actes Sud, 2008.