Organizational Intervention: Change and Organizational Development

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

None. We recommended, however, some knowledge in the area of Organizational Psychology.

Teaching Methods

In line with the objectives defined for this unit and due to the current evaluation system, teaching methods will focus on students, requiring engagement and participation from everyone. Therefore, there will be individual and group assignments, role-paying, classroom presentations, discussions and reflections in small and large groups. Audio-visual materials will be used in class. There will also be a fieldtrip, which is intended to get students closer to actual intervention actions in organizations regarding issues related to the topics studied in class.

Learning Outcomes

The course is devoted to the learning of technological theories and intervention skills, in the field of Organizational Psychology. Offers know-how concerning interventions in the field of organizational psychology as well as an overview of approaches for intervention related to the design, functioning, and change of organizations.


Work Placement(s)



1. Organizational Change: evolution of the concept, types of change, variables that are driving forces for change and resistance to change.

2. Change and Organizational Development (OD): origins, definitions, values, assumptions and characteristics of OD.

3. Management of Organizational Change and Development: key approaches, methods and intervention techniques.

Head Lecturer(s)

Carla Maria Santos Carvalho

Assessment Methods

Individual assignment : 50.0%
Final exam : 50.0%


French, W. & Bell, C. (1999). Organization Development: behavioural science interventions for organization improvement. NJ: Prentice Hall

Galpin, T. (2000). O Lado Humano da Mudança, Lisboa, Sílabo.

Holbeche, L. (2006). Understanding change: Theory, implementation and success. Elsevier.

Hughes, M. (2007). The tools and techniques of change management. Journal of Change Management, 7(1), 37-49.

Kotter, J., & Schlesinger, L. (2008). Choosing strategies for change. Harvard Business Review, 86 (7/8), 130-139.

Kotter, P. (2007/1995). Leading change: Why transformational efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 85(1),93-103.

Lee, H., & Lee, J-H. (2008). Time to change, time for change – Time as a catalyst for organizational change. Time Society, 17(2/3).

Marshak, R. J. (2004). Morphing: The leading edge of organizational change in the twenty-first century. Organization Development Journal, 22(3), 8-21.

Rodrigues, R. (1998). Organizações, Mudança e Capacidade de Gestão, Cascais: Princípia