Sociocultural Projects and Activities

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Teaching includes three aspects – theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical –, and therefore the methods used will be either expository or participatory and interactive.

Several specialists in sociocultural project design and execution participate in teaching the course, and staff from different institutions and mayors are also invited to give concrete testimonies of cultural planning and projects already executed.

Students will apply the acquired knowledge by designing sociocultural projects, individually or in groups, which will be presented in writing and orally discussed.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of this course are:

- to acquire a multidisciplinary training which provides theoretical tools for conceiving, funding, managing, carrying out and advertising cultural activities in the context of the municipalities;

- to identify evidence of good practices in sociocultural projects;

- to acquire theoretical-practical knowledge that supports elf-sustained and innovative life-long learning.

Work Placement(s)



Definition of concepts: culture, heritage, material and immaterial heritage.

Cultural policies: central and local entities (convergences and complementarities)

The role of collectives and associations.

The cultural industries.

Cultural programs: conception, funding, execution and advertising of cultural activities within the context of municipalities.

Assessment of projects according to their audiences and objectives

The dissemination of culture: means, audiences and objectives. The municipal agendas. The cultural publications of the municipalities.

Presentation of sociocultural projects already executed or in progress.

Assessment Methods

In accordance with the Rules of Assessment of the Faculty of Arts for Master’s Programs (Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos do 2º ciclo).: 100.0%


Aguileta, I.L., Cultura Y Ciudad. Manual de Política Municipal, Trea, 2000.

Fortuna, C. e Silva, A.S., “A cidade do lado da cultura: espacialidades sociais e modalidades de intermediação cultural”, in B. S. Santos (org.), Globalização: Fatalidade ou Utopia? Afrontamento, 2001.

Lipovetsky, G; Serroy, J, A cultura-mundo. Resposta a uma sociedade desorientada, Ed. 70, 2010.

Martins, G.O., Património, herança e memória. A cultura como criação, Gradiva, 2011.

Neves, J.S., Despesas dos Municípios com Cultura (1986-2003), OAC, 2005.

Pinto, J.M., “Uma reflexão sobre políticas culturais”, in Dinâmicas culturais, cidadania e desenvolvimento local. Actas do encontro de Vila do Conde, APS, 1994.

Santos, M.L.L. (coord.), As políticas culturais em Portugal, OAC, 1998.

Silva, A.S., “A dinâmica cultural das cidades médias: uma sondagem do lado da oferta”, in C. Fortuna e A.S. Silva (org.), Projecto e Circunstância. Culturas Urbanas em Portugal, Afrontamento 2002.