Municipal Libraries and Archives

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical methods are used to stimulate the constructive participation of students. Students presentation of work in progress on cultural projects and/or research work should encourage critical discussion among all the participants in each session (professor, students and occasionally guest speakers). The work conducted by students should have practical concerns, i.e, it should be applicable to concrete environments (libraries, archives, documentation centers, museums, etc.).

Learning Outcomes

This seminar aims to strengthen students’ knowledge and to stimulate their critical abilities in what concerns the management, cultural programming and educational activities of libraries, archives and documentation centers, in the context of Portuguese municipal cultural policies.



Students will be able to enrich their knowledge on the cultural meaning of the book/library and the document/archive, their history and their current uses and objectives, as well as to develop management skills and critical thinking abilities regarding the cultural, educational and research support role of libraries, archives and documentation centers within the municipal context in Portugal.

Work Placement(s)



1 - Memory and biblio-documental cultural heritage: from the global to the local.

2 - Libraries, archives and documentation centers: historical evolution.

3 - Libraries, archives and documentation centers in municipal cultural policies.

4 - Management, objectives and functions of libraries and local archives in the present time.

Assessment Methods

In accordance with the Rules of Assessment of the Faculty of Arts for Master’s Programs (Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos do 2º ciclo).: 100.0%


Alves, I. (1983) Dicionário de Terminologia Arquivística, Inst. da Biblioteca e do Livro.

Anselmo, A. (1981) Origens da Imprensa em Portugal, Imprensa Nacional.

Bebiano, R. (1999) “A Biblioteca Errante: Itinerários da Leitura na Era Digital”, Revista de História das Ideias, 20, 471-494.

Chartier, R. (1997) A Ordem dos Livros, Vega.

Eco, U (2003) “Vegetal and Mineral Memory: The future of books”, Al-Ahram Weekly, nº 665, 20-26.

Faria, M.I. e M.G. Pericão (2008) Dicionário do Livro: Da Escrita ao Livro Electrónico, Almedina.

Furtado, J.A. (2007) O Papel e o Pixel. Do Impresso ao Digital, Ariadne.

Labarre, A. (2005) História do Livro, Horizonte.

Manguel, A. (1998), Uma História da Leitura, Presença.

Martin, H-J. & L. Febvre (2000). O Aparecimento do Livro, F. Calouste Gulbenkian.

McLuhan, M. (1971) The Gutenberg Galaxy, Routldege.

Ribeiro, C.F., O acesso à informação nos arquivos, FCG/FCT.

Rousseau, JY; Couture, C. (1998) Os fundamentos da disciplina arquivística, D. Quixote.