Mass Media

Academic year
Subject Area
Mass Media
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The teaching methods are interconnected with the learning objectives and the syllabus. The first part of the seminar will consist essentially of lectures based on the reading of texts of reference. The second part will combine lectures with the analysis of cases in which students will be called to participate, through questions and the presentation of solutions. Finally, in the third part there will be work sessions based on practical exercises and analysis of cases, under the supervision of the instructor or invited experts.

Learning Outcomes

- To understand the phenomenon of the mass media in the context of the public space in contemporary western democracies.

- To understand the history and the normative principles of the mass media in democratic societies.

- To understand the principles of institutional and journalistic communication.

- To acquire skills in the writing of messages for the press.

Work Placement(s)



1. Contexts of Communication

1.1. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press as structuring elements of public space in contemporary western democracies.

1.2. Normative theories and ethical and deontological questions in communication.

1.3. Journalism and Public Relations in Portugal since 1974.

1.4. Contemporary challenges of communication and the mass media.

2. Socioprofessional knowledge

2.1. Definition of news.

2.2. News and news-value.

2.3. News and press release.

2.4. Types of lead.

2.5. Structure of the news.

2.6. Structure of online news.

2.7. Overview of journalism genres.

3. Practical writing exercises and case analysis.

Assessment Methods

In accordance with the Rules of Assessment of the Faculty of Arts for Master’s Programs (Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos do 2º ciclo).: 100.0%


ALBERTOS, J.L.M., Curso General De Redaccion Periodistica - Lenguaje, estilos y géneros periodísticos en prensa, radio, televisión y cine, Madrid, Editorial Paraninfo, 1993.

BALLE, F., Et Si La Presse N’Existait Pas...?, s.l., Jean-Claude Lattés, 1987.

CAMPONEZ, C., Deontologia do Jornalismo – A autorregulação frustrada dos jornalistas portugueses (1974-2007), Coimbra, Almedina, 2011.

CAMPONEZ, C., Jornalismo de Proximidade, Coimbra, MinervaCoimbra, 2002.

GARZÓN, E.I, Comunic@ción y Periodismo en una Sociedad Global, México, Trillas, 2001.

GRANADO, A., Como Falar com Jornalistas sem Ficar à Beira de um Ataque de Nervos – Guia para Investigadores, Porto, Porto Editora, 2001.

KEANE, J., A Democracia e os Media, Lisboa, Temas & Debates, 2002.

MARTINS, L.P., As armas dos jornalistas - A linguagem da informação ao alcance de todos, Lisboa, Ália Edições e Publicações, 1984.

THOMPSON, J.B., A Mídia e a Modernidade – Uma teoria social da mídia, Petropólis, Vozes, 1998.