History of Municipalism

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The different topics will be presented by the professors in theoretical-practical classes. Students are encouraged to actively participate by commenting on and interpreting sources, presenting critical readings of books and articles, and also through oral presentations on specific topics of the syllabus.

Learning Outcomes

This seminar addresses the several stages of the history of municipalities: their genesis, establishment and consolidation in the medieval and modern ages; the progressive loss of powers from the Liberal period to the Estado Novo; the process of recovery of powers after 1974.

The sociological profiles and the practices of the exercise of power of municipal governments will also be addressed, as well as the symbols and representations of municipal government.

Students will acquire knowledge about the long evolution of municipalities, enabling them to understand, based on an historical perspective, the local government of the present day.

The students will also become aware of the need to preserve the historical memory that exists in documental collections and different forms of material and immaterial heritage.

Work Placement(s)



1 - The genesis of the municipal movement.

1.1 - The appearance of manors and municipal communities during the Reconquista.

1.3 - Legal recognition of municipalities: the charters.

1.3 - Rights and duties of the inhabitants of municipalities.

2 - Relations between the royal power and municipal government.

2.1 - Royal measures imposed on municipalities.

2.2 - Evolution of municipal administration.

2.3 - Election of municipal officials.

3 - Profile and action of government officials.

4 - Symbols and representations of local government.

5 - Written memory.

6 - "Voices" of the municipalities in Assemblies.

7 - Local government in the Early Modern Age (16th to 19th centuries). Conceptions, symbols and practices of government.

8 - Municipalities from the Liberal period to the Estado Novo: the progressive intervention and control of central government. The reorganization of municipalities.

9 - The progressive recovery of municipal power after the 1970s and the challenges of local governance.

Assessment Methods

In accordance with the Rules of Assessment of the Faculty of Arts for Master’s Programs (Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos do 2º ciclo).: 100.0%


COELHO, M.H.C; MAGALHÃES, J.R., O poder concelhio. Das origens às Cortes Constituintes. Nota da história social, 2ª ed., Coimbra, CEFA,2008.

CUNHA, M.S.; FONSECA, T. (org.), Os Municípios no Portugal Moderno: dos forais manuelinos às reformas liberais, Colibri,2005.

FONSECA, F.T. (coord.), O poder local em tempo de globalização. Uma história e um futuro, IUC-CEFA,2005.

MATTOSO, J., Identificação de um país. Ensaio sobre as origens de Portugal. 1096-1325, Estampa, 1995.

MORENO, H.B., Os municípios portugueses nos séculos XIII-XVI. Presença,1986.

NETO, M.S., “Percursos da História Local Portuguesa: monografias e representações de identidades locais”. In Santos, J.M. e Catana, A.S. (coord.), Memória e História Local, Palimage, 2010.

OLIVEIRA, C. (dir.), História dos Municípios e do poder local, Círculo de Leitores,1996.

REIS, A M., História dos Municípios (1050-1383), L. Horizonte, 2007.

SILVEIRA, N.E. (coord.), Poder Central, Poder Regional e Poder Local. Uma perspectiva Histórica, Cosmos,1997.