Organization and Functioning of Local Government

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The teaching methods (expository and interactive) to be adopted in the course vary according to the topics addressed and the objectives of each sub-unit.

The evaluation takes place in two stages: the first stage is intended to assess the general content of the syllabus; the second stage is directed to the assessment of specific and reflective-critical knowledge to be acquired during the last two subunits.

Learning Outcomes

To learn about and understand concepts and general principles of public administration and administrative organization, particularly in what concerns the organization and functioning of local government, as well as understand in general terms the paradigm shift in local management models.

Work Placement(s)



Administration and administrative organization.

General concepts and principles.

Public Administration and Private Administration

The administrative activity and public administration organization.

Administrative functions.

Legal forms of administration activity.

Decentralization and devolution.

Public bodies and administration services.

From "Local Administration" to "Local Government".

Fundamental principles of the local government and administration system.

Principles of municipal organization

The structure of the local authorities.

Creation, modification and extinction of local authorities.

Powers of the local authorities.

The form of the local government and the electoral system.

Duties and powers.

Local elected officials.

Organization of municipal administration – direct and indirect.

State supervision over local authorities.

The old and the new Local Administration.

Relations between central and local government.

Public management and management Tools.

Local governance.

Assessment Methods

In accordance with the Rules of Assessment of the Faculty of Arts for Master’s Programs (Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos do 2º ciclo).: 100.0%


BILHIM, J., A governação nas autarquias locais, Col. Inovação e Governação nas Autarquias, Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, 2004.

CÂNDIDO DE OLIVEIRA, A., A democracia local (aspectos jurídicos), Coimbra Ed., 2005.

CÂNDIDO DE OLIVEIRA, A., Direito das Autarquias Locais, Coimbra Editora, 1993.

CASTANHEIRA NEVES, M.J., Governo e Administração Local, Coimbra Editora, 2004.

CAUPERS, J., Introdução ao Direito Administrativo, Âncora Ed., 2007.

ESTEVES DE OLIVEIRA, M., et al., Código do Procedimento Administrativo Comentado, Almedina, 1997.

FREITAS DO AMARAL, D., Curso de Direito Administrativo, Almedina, 1998.

GONÇALVES, P., O novo regime jurídico da tutela administrativa sobre as autarquias locais, CEFA, 1997.

MOREIRA, V., A Administração autónoma e associações públicas, Coimbra Ed., 1997.

PACHECO DE AMORIM, J., As empresas públicas no Direito Português, Almedina, 2000.

REBELO DE SOUSA, M., Lições de Direito Administrativo, 1995.