Philosophy of Music

Academic year
Subject Area
Philosophy and Ethics
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Written reports related to each lesson, discussion in classes of 3.3.6., a written final paper.

Learning Outcomes

a) To be able to discuss the key issues of philosophy and music.

b) To acquire sensitivity to the artistic worlds of art sounds.

c) To recognize the becoming and temporality (philosophy) of music and to problematize the music in their expressive and cognitive dimensions.

d) To identify and discuss trends and issues of Recent / philosophy of music.

e) To promote listening and analytical thinking of music.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to the Philosophy of music: its horizon and problems.

1.1. What relationship should / can exist between philosophy and music? On an Adorno response.

2. Philosophy of Music, an approach:

2.1. Plato, Aristotle and Plutarch.

2.2. From speculative music to ars nova: Augustine, Boethius and Guido d'Arezzo.

2.3. Psychophysiology of emotions: from Modern philosophy (Descartes) to representationalism: Handel, Bach, Schopenhauer; from Hanslick to Peter Kivy.

2.4. Instrumental music and the system of the fine arts: Kant, Hegel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.

2.5. Two “musical” philosophers: Nietzsche and Wittgenstein.

2.6. The so-called philosophy of modern music: Adorno, Schoenberg and Stravinsky.

Assessment Methods

Laboratory work or Field work: 10.0%
Other: 10.0%
Research work: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 60.0%


Adorno, Theodor W. Essays on Music. Selected, with Introduction, Commentary and Notes by R. Leppert. Berkeley Los Angeles 2002

Agostinho, Diálogo sobre a ordem. Trad. de Paula O. E Silva, Lisboa 2000

Aristóteles, Política. Trad. A. C. Amaral e C. Gomes, Lisboa 1998

Descartes, As paixões da alma. Trad. de N. de Macedo, Lisboa 1976

Hanslick, E. Do Belo Musical. Um contributo para a revisão da estética da arte dos sons. Trad. de A. Morão, Lisboa 1994

Hegel, Esthétique.Tome II. Trad. de Ch. Bénard, Paris 1997

Kant, Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo. Trad. de A. Marques e V. Rohden, Lisboa 1992

Kivy (1990), Peter. Music Alone. Philosophical Reflections on the Purely Musical Experience,Ithaca –London 1994

Nietzsche, F. A Origem da Tragédia. Trad. de A. Ribeiro, Lisboa 1954

Platão, A República. Introd., trad. e notas de Mª H. da R. Pereira, Lisboa 1976

Popper, K. Unended Quest. Illinois 1974

Schopenhauer (1819-1844), A. O Mundo como Vontade e Representação. Trad. M.F. Sá Correia, Porto, s.d.