Logistics I

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge of linear programming (Operational Research) and mastery of computer tools such as Microsoft Excel.

Teaching Methods

The course presents concepts and relevant models, resorting to the use of small examples that illustrate the theoretical
concepts and that contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the development of a critical mind. Students will be
encouraged to actively participate in classes, bringing to class problems that they encounter on their professional experiences.
The assessment will be made by the realization of a test, with a theoretical component (25%) and a practical one (75%).

Learning Outcomes

The objective of this course is to give to the students an insight about logistics, so that they can understand its importance in today’s businesses and its connection with other functional areas of the company. The students should learn to use mathematical tools, as well as software, to support the decision making process.

Work Placement(s)



An introduction to logistics and its connections with the other areas of the company. The importance of customer service. The supply chain management. Inventory management. Transportation problems. Location problems.

Assessment Methods

test, with a theoretical component: 25.0%
test practical one: 75.0%


BALLOU, Ronald H. - Business logistic. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004. [BP 658 BAL]
CHOPRA, Sunil. ; MEINDL, Peter - Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004. [BP 658 CHO]
COSTA, João Paulo; DIAS, Joana Matos; GODINHO, Pedro Manuel Cortesão – Logística. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2010. [BP 658 COS]
LAMBERT, Douglas M.; STOCK, James R.: ELLRAM, Lisa M. - Fundamentals of logistics management. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998. [BP 658 CHO]
SIMCHI-LEVI, David; KAMINSKY, Philip; SIMCHI-LEVI, Edith - Designing and managing the supply chain: concepts, strategies,
and case studies. 2nd ed. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003. [BP 658 SIM]