New Perspectives in Human Geography

Academic year
Subject Area
Human Geography
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Face-to-face classes promoting critical discussion through the exchange of ideas, with the organization of conferences and the presentation of specific cases and situations.

The attempt to value self and hetero criticism by means of the assessment of fundamental and innovative subject matters in the scientific field of Human Geography.

The evaluation will be carried out through the writing, presentation and discussion of an individual scientific paper.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the semester, students should be able to:

a) discuss any subject in the field of Physical Geography in a critical manner;

b) create their own discourse on subjects proposed to them;

c) master and explore in an innovative way the concepts of subjects related to the rural world;

d) master and explore in an innovative way the concepts of subjects related to the urban world;

e) master and explore in an innovative way the concepts of subjects related to the understanding of territory and its social and economic elements;

f) master and explore in an innovative way the concepts of subjects related to the promotion of population dynamics.

Work Placement(s)



Post-productivist and post-modern rurality.
•New heritages, tourist leisures and development: from locations to networks.
•Creative industries and the image of the locations: connection with territorial marketing
•Territorialities and deterritorialization dynamics – theoretical analysis of the concepts and discussion of national and international case studies
•Territorial disputes The problem of walls and the fragmentation of space
•Second Demographic Transition: Implications in the population structure of Europe and Portugal:
•Epidemiological Transition and its implications in population dynamics; regional disparities
•Knowledge, innovation and territory. The perspective of Geography.
•Innovation, creativity, territory and development.
•Knowledge, innovation and public policies. The European Union and Portugal.
•Cities, Tourism and Development
•Territorial sustainability, patrimonialization and urban touristification.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Paula Santana Rodrigues

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


Aitken, S.; Valentine, G. (eds.) (2008). Approaches to Human Geography. London, SAGE Publications.

Ascher, F. (1995) Métapolis ou l’avenir des villes. Paris: Editions Odile Jacob.

Haesbaert, R. (2004). O mito da desterritorialização. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.

Lestahage, R. (2014) The second demographic transition. PNAS; Dec 23, 2014; Vol 111, nº51

Nijkamp, P. & Siedschlag, I. (ed.) (2011). Innovation, Growth and Competitiveness. Springer-Verlag: Berlim-Heidelberg.

Price, M. (2007). Mountain Area Research and Management. Integrated Approaches. London, Earthscan.

Santos, N. (2001). A Sociedade de Consumo e os Espaços Vividos pelas Famílias. CEG Coimbra. Lisboa: Colibri.

Seixas, J. (2013). A cidade na encruzilhada. Repensar a cidade e a sua política. Porto, Edições Afrontamento.

Soja, E. (2010). Seeking Spatial Justice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Wilson, J. (ed.) (2012). The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Geographies. London & New York, Routledge.