Thematic Seminars in the field of Teacher Training II

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Each session has two main parts: the first one is a lecture about a topic of the syllabus, followed by a critical analysis of papers, projects ou cases or a reflexion. These methods intends to prepare students to write a literature review.   

Learning Outcomes

The students should:

Develop an understanding of several themes related to teachers training, namely:  a) teachers training models, learning theories and teaching models, mistakes in teaching; b) models of planification  of  training and of educational events, generations and models of educational evaluation; c)  educational change and the micropolitics of school life, education, diversity and social justice; d) ICT in teachers training, blended-learning and distance-learning, teachers' reflexive training;

e)Critically analyse papers and contexts of education and training;

f) Be able of writing a literature review.    

Work Placement(s)



1. Teachers training models.

2. Learning theories and teaching models.

3. Mistakes in teaching.

4. Models of planification  of  training and of educational events: Caffarella and Giacaglia.

5. Generations and models of educational evaluation: the four generations of Guba and Lincoln and the the models of Kilpatrick and Stufflebean.

6. Educational change and the micropolitics of school life.

7. Education, diversity and social justice.

8. ICT in teachers training.

9. Blended-learning and distance-learning. The multiple perspectives model.

10. Teachers' reflexive training.

11. Biograhic and autobiographic narratives mediated by ICT.   

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Amélia Costa da Conceição Amorim Soares de Carvalho

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 50.0%
Literature review: 50.0%


Bidarra, M. G., Seixas, A. M., Damião, M. H., & Festas, M. I. (2012). A formação inicial de professores nas universidades portuguesas. In A. Melo, & I. Nascimento (Eds.) Licenciaturas. São Luís: EDUFMA.

Carvalho, A. A. (2011). A Teoria da Flexibilidade Cognitiva e o Modelo Múltiplas Perspectivas. In M. Leão (ed.), Tecnologias na Educação (pp. 17-42). Recife: UFRPE.

Silva, M. H. D. (2007). Contribuições da ergonomia cognitiva para a compreensão do erro no desempenho profissional. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. Ano 41, n.º 2, pp. 181-206.

Duru-Bellat, M, & Van Zanten, A. (2009). Sociologie du système educative. Paris: PUF.

European Comission (2010) Teachers’ professional development – Europe in international comparison. Luxembourg:EU.

Kirkpatrick, D., & Kirkpatrick, J. (2010). Como avaliar programas de treinamento de equipas. Rio de Janeiro: Senac.

Pessoa, T. (2011). Aprender e Ensinar com a análise e a escrita de casos. In  A. Marcos & T. Pessoa (Coords.), A Vida nas Escolas.