Art Criticism and Essayism

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Recommended knowledge of English.

Teaching Methods

The teaching method is theoretical-practical with analysis of texts as well as the production of written texts. It will be to analyze and debate the proposed texts for each session and students will be invited to attend the presentation of the authors / texts under review.

Learning Outcomes

Know the main problems of art criticism and authors.

To distinguish between a theory of art and art criticism.

Develop questioning and abstraction skills in the field of contemporary art

Acquire tools for the production of texts that are able to frame, reflect and present works of art, exhibitions and artists.

Work Placement(s)



1. The birth of the modern arte concept. The concepts of autonomy and lack of interest and the creation of an autonomous territory for art.

2. From art theory to art criticism. The constitution of the disciplinary field of criticism distinguished from art history and philosophy.

3. See, judge, see art. The judgments and aesthetic rules.

4. The place of the subject in art experience. From the viewer's paradigm to arte experience as political participation: autonomy and involvement.

5. The specific temporality of art: what is contemporary? Chronology, contagion and ellipse.

6. The art Experience and the writing experience.

Head Lecturer(s)

Nuno Alexandre Coimbra Crespo

Assessment Methods

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous evaluation
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Research work: 70.0%


Bishop, C., Artificial Hells. Participatory art and the politics of spectatorship, London & New York: Versus Books, 2012

Benjamin, W., O Anjo da história, trad. João Barrento, Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2008

Didi-Huberman, G., L’Image survivant. Histoire de l’art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg, Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit, 2002

Kant, I., Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo, trad. António Marques e Valério Rohden, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa daMoeda, 1992

Ranciére, J., O espectador emancipado, trad. José Mirdand Justo, Lisboa: Orfeu Negro, 2010

Wittgenstein, L., Aulas e Conversas sobre Estética, Psicologia e Fé Religiosa, Trad. Miguel Tamen Lisboa: edições Cotovia, 1991

Woodmansee, Martha, The author, art, and the market. Rereading the history of aesthetics, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.