Pre-clinical Unit 2

Academic year
Subject Area
Practice Field
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

- Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of the structures of the oral cavity.

- Biology of the oral cavity.

- Microbiology.

- Pathophysiology and Immunology (mechanisms of host inflammation and response).

- Reading, understanding and writing the English language.

Teaching Methods

Lectures: The themes are presented in an interactive mode, highlighting the key points of each topic and presented essentially in iconography, through power-point. The "handouts" will be made available, under "Material" in inforestudante. Students should attend whenever requested, and there will be the opportunity to put questions.

Theoretical-practical classes: represent a more interactive and stimulating environment where there is the opportunity to describe and demonstrate the most basic techniques of clinical procedures wherever possible in simulation models. This is a unique opportunity to train these techniques in pre-clinical setting before starting play in a clinical setting with patients, which takes place in the theoretical and practical lessons of the 2nd half.

Practical classes: Held in a clinic environment, with patients, during the second semester. The course is divided into two classes. Attendance at practical classes is mandatory

Learning Outcomes

Periodontology: describes the status of periodontal health; Apply the general pathological processes to periodontal diseases; To identify and characterize the etiologic factors of periodontal disease; Interpret the clinical parameters of a medical history and periodontal diagnosis; Describe the overall treatment plan of periodontal diseases; Master the instructional techniques and hygienic motivation and scaling ultrasound.

Oral surgery: systemic picture of the patient Interpretation and relationship with the surgical treatment plan Field of intraoral anesthetic techniques; Understanding and performance of surgical techniques Identification and resolution of intra and post operative complications; Knowledge of surgical care and post recommendations.

Oral Medicine: diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. Oral care in patients with systemic diseases.

Work Placement(s)



Periodontology: Anatomy and periodontal biology; Plaque and calculus; Pathogenesis, classification and epidemiology of periodontal diseases; Description of the clinical features, treatment and prognosis of periodontal diseases.

Oral Medicine: general clinical examination, cervico-facial examination and endo-oral examination; Oral Mucosal Diseases; Diseases of the oro-facial region; diseases of the salivary glands and orofacial pain.

Oral Surgery: Anesthesia Intraoral site; Basic principles of simple and surgical tooth extraction; Basic principles of pre-prosthetic surgery; Surgical treatment of oral cavity lesions  

Head Lecturer(s)

Isabel Cláudia Masson Poiares Baptista

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Frequency: 100.0%

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%


- Periodontologia:

Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Jan Lindhe, Niklaus P Lang, Wiley Blackwell; 6ª ed (2015); - Clinical Periodontology. Michael Newman, Henry Takei, Perry Klokkevold, Fermin Carranza. Elsevier Saunders 11ed (2012); - Color Atlas of Dental Medicine. Periodontology. Rateitschak KH, Wolf HF. Thieme. 3ª ed (2005).

- Cirurgia Oral:

Gay Escoda C, Berini Aytés L. Tratado de cirugía bucal. Tomo I. 2ª ed. Madrid: Ergon, 2010; Miloro M, Larsen P, Ghali GE Waite P. Peterson´s principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery. London: Elsevier/B.C. Decker, 2003

- Medicina Oral:

Regezi, J. e. Sciubba. (2008). Oral Pathology: clinical-pathologic correlations - 5ª ed., W.B. Saunders Co.; - Greenberg, MS; Glick, M; Ship, JA; (2008) Burket’s Oral Medicine, BC Decker Inc Hamilton; - Neville, B. W. (2002). Oral & maxillofacial pathology 2ªed, W.B. Saunders.; - Bagán, S. J. (1995). Medicina oral, Masson.