Roman Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Roman Law - 1st and 2nd cycles studies in Law; Latin.

Teaching Methods

Seminar - under the instructor's supervision, PhD students must participate in the discussion of the theme picked for each session (the discussion is previously scheduled and prepared on the basis of the recommended bibliography) and in the critical analysis of the Roman law sources concerning the issue.

Learning Outcomes

It is the goal of the Roman Law course unit of 3rd cycle studies in Law to provide PhD students with skills for mastering research methods considered to be critical to conduct in-depth Roman Law studies, and show the historical  importance of this law. PhD candidates should be able to make studies based on Roman Law sources («maxime», the «Corpus Iuris Civilis»), perceive the developments in the different periods of Roman law history, and realize how broad the Roman Law influence is on the foundations of current civil law.  

Work Placement(s)



Theme: «The obligations with plurality of parties in Roman Law».


I. Introduction

II. Modes of obligations with plurality of parties

1. Solidary obligations

2. Joint obligations

3. Cumulative obligations

III. Solidary obligations in special

4. Types of solidarity

5. Sources of solidarity

6. Solidarity in personal guarantees

7. Requirements of contractual solidarity

8. Relationship between solidary debtors and between solidary creditors

8.1. In classical law

8.2. In post-classical law

8.3. In Justinian law

9. Extinction of solidary obligations

9.1. In classical law

9.2. In Justinian law

Head Lecturer(s)

David Jorge Magalhães Marques

Assessment Methods

Assessment 2
Research work: 100.0%

Assessment 1
Report of a seminar or field trip: 100.0%


ALBERTARIO, Emilio, Corso di Diritto Romano. Le obbligazioni solidali (Milano, 1948);

ARCHI Gian Gualberto, Corso di diritto romano. Le obbligazioni solidali (Pavia-Milano, 1947);

CRUZ, Sebastião, Direito Romano, I. Fontes, 4.ª edição (Coimbra, 1984);

CURA, António Alberto Vieira, «Fiducia cum creditore» (Aspectos gerais), in «Suplemento ao Boletim da Faculdade de Direito», vol. XXXIV (1991); «Mora debitoris» no direito romano clássico (Lisboa, 2011);

JUSTO, António dos Santos, Direito Privado Romano – II (Direito das Obrigações), 4.ª edição (Coimbra, 2011);

PROVERA, Giuseppe, Una costituzione dioclezianea in tema di solidarietà e regresso – C.I. 8.39[40].1[2], in «Sodalitas. Studi in onore di António Guarino», vol. V (Napoli, 1984), págs. 2491-2506;

SACCONI, Giuseppina, Studi sulle obbligazioni solidali da contratto in diritto romano (Milano, 1973);

STEINER, Anja, Die Solidarobligationen: eine Neubesichtigung unter aktionenrechtichen Aspekten (München, 2009).