Civil Law I
Civil Legal
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Basics of Civil Law: General Theory of Civil Law, The Law of Obligations, Property Law.
Teaching Methods
Lessons will comprise lectures on selected subjects and critical debates on these subjects. In class, there will also be opportunities for indicating specific criteria or methodological guidelines that students can follow which will help them develop their research papers and Master dissertations.
The assessment method adopted in this Scientific Master Programme is the one adopted in Seminars. It comprises two stages: oral presentations by students of research in progress on their subjects, and presentation of written works based on such work in progress.
Learning Outcomes
Encourage students to rethink and problematize new and old questions of Civil Law, so that they can take a critical view on the subjects that constitute the object of their research work. Guide students when choosing a suitable methodology for writing a dissertation in Civil Law, which necessarily implies a gathering of solid dogmatic basis of Private Law for problematizing specific particularities and current trends of the selected thesis theme.
Work Placement(s)
Revisiting of the subjects concerning protection of personality: general right of personality(art. no.70 of the civil code)and special rights of personality(art. no.72 and the following articles in the civil code)
Specific means for the protection of personality:civil liability, preventive and attenuation measures relating to offences to personality.(art. no. 70 no. 2 of the civil code)
-A discussion on the nature of the General Right of Personality:Right?
-Conflicting Rights of Personality. Preliminary question:Can we assume that there are conflicting rights of Personality?
-Tthe conflict between freedom of expression and the rights to honor, good name and credit
-The Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Contract.Analysis and critical assessment of the regime of Decree-Law no.291/2007, of August 21st
-Special guarantees of Obligations
The provision of security. The bail. Autonomous Guarantees.
Real guarantees: Mortgage, Pledge,Income Assignment,Liens,Right of Retention.
Head Lecturer(s)
Paulo Cardoso Correia da Mota Pinto
Assessment Methods
Research work: 100.0%
M. Isabel Helbling MENÉRES CAMPOS, Da Hipoteca, Almedina, Coimbra,2000
A. MENEZES CORDEIRO, Manual de direito Bancário, 3.ª Ed., Almedina, Coimbra,2006
Direitos Reais, Reprint 1979, Lex, Lisboa,1993
Rui PINTO DUARTE, Curso de Direitos Reais, 2.ª Edição, Principia, Cascais,2007
M. Januário da COSTA GOMES, Estudos de Direito das Garantias, Vol. I, Almedina, Coimbra 2004
Mónica JARDIM, A Garantia Autónoma, Almedina, Coimbra,2002
A. SANTOS JUSTO, Direitos Reais, Coimbra Editora,2007
Luís M. Teles de MENEZES LEITÃO, Garantias das Obrigações, 2.ª Edição, Almedina, Coimbra,2008
PIRES DE LIMA / ANTUNES VARELA, Código Civil Anotado, Volume I, 4.ª Ed. com a colaboração de M. HENRIQUE MESQUITA, Coimbra Editora,1987
Pedro ROMANO MARTINEZ / Pedro FUZETA DA PONTE, Garantias de Cumprimento, 5.ª Ed., Coimbra, Almedina,2006
M. HENRIQUE MESQUITA, Obrigações Reais e Ónus Reais, Almedina,1990
João de Matos ANTUNES VARELA, Das Obrigações em Geral, Vol. II, 7ª Ed.,Coimbra, Almedina,1997,419 s.