Civil Procedure II

Academic year
Subject Area
Civil Legal
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Civil Procedure/Civil Law/Basic knowledge of French, Italian, Spanish and English languages.  

Teaching Methods

Teaching methods: lectures on the topics from a comparative law perspective. Discussion and critical assessment of court decisions. Research paper presentations by the students.  

Learning Outcomes

The main objective of the course is to promote a critical reflection on the civil procedure notions of ‘party’ and ‘third party’ and discuss their importance to understand procedural principles and institutions (like the legal standing and the subjective scope of the res judicata.   

Work Placement(s)



arties and third parties in the declaratory judgment action

1. Parties in civil procedure
1.1. The principle of bilateralism or duality of parties
1.2. Equal treatment of the parties. “Procedural vulnerability”
1.3. Procedural changes of parties
1.4. Main vs secondary party
2. The issue of amicus curiae intervention in civil procedure
3. The legal standing: substance of the case or procedural issue?
4. The status of subsidiary or alternative defendant
5. Substitution of the parties and res judicata

Parties and third parties in the executive procedure

1. Enforceable order and legal standing
1.1. Exceptions to the rule of legal standing
1.1.1 The debt of both spouses: procedural rules of enforcement
1.1.2 Co-holder and solidary creditor executive legitimacy.

Head Lecturer(s)

Paula Sofia Couceiro Almeida Távora Vítor

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


CAPELO, Maria José
-«A reforma processual e as acções de filiação»,Comemorações dos 35 anos do Código Civil e dos 25 anos da reforma de 1977, Vol. I, Coimbra Editora, p.743 a 761.
- «Pressupostos Processuais Gerais na Acção Executiva» Themis 4/VII (2003), pp. 79-104.FREITAS, José Lebre de,
-Introdução ao Processo Civil-Conceito e Princípios Gerais à luz do novo Código,3.ª ed., Coimbra Editora
– Apreensão de bens em processo executivo e oposição de terceiro, 2.ª ed.,almedina, 2001
–«A revelia no processo ordinário».In Estudos de Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Lebre de Freitas, Coimbra Editora, 2013. 1067-1103
SILVA,Paula Costa e
-«O manto diáfano da personalidade judiciária»,Estudos em Honra do Prof.Doutor José de Oliveira Ascensão,vol. II, Almedina, 2008
SOUSA, Miguel Teixeira de,
- «Reflexões sobre a legitimidade das partes em processo civil», Cadernos de Direito Privado,2003, 3-13
MARINONI, Luis Guilherme, Teoria geral do processo, Ed.Revista dos Tribunais, 2007