Political Economy
Economical Legal
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
International economic law; economics.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical and practical lessons. The evaluation will be conducted by means of a report written and presented by the student.
Learning Outcomes
In this curricular unit, the international trade system will be characterized. In order to do that, four subsystems will be considered. Then, special focus will be put on multilateral subsystems, considering three of its dimensions: multilateralism as an institution (OMC), as a market (rounds) and as a code of conduct (principles and derogation). Students will also learn about recent challenges to multilateralism: those resulting from globalization, regionalism and “deep” integration. This is intended to provide students with interdisciplinary knowledge on the multilateral trade subsystem and on the hotspots to which this system is subject. This knowledge might provide the basis for conducting research on recent international trade themes, either according to a merely juridical perspective or to an interdisciplinary model.
Work Placement(s)
1. The international trade system
2. Multilateralism as an expression of the needs and advantages of international cooperation. The Wilkinson thesis
3. Other characteristics of the international trade system. WTO perceived as an institution, as a code of conduct and as a market
4. Multilateralism and globalization
5. Deep integration
Head Lecturer(s)
Victor João Vasconcelos Raposo Ribeiro Calvete
Assessment Methods
Report of a seminar or field trip: 100.0%
Cunha, Luís Pedro,
2008 – O Sistema Comercial Multilateral e os Espaços de Integração Regional, Coimbra Editora
2010 – “Regionalismo nas relações comerciais União Europeia – América Latina”, Boletim de Ciências Económicas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra (BCE) de 2009
2011 – “GATT, OMC e países em vias de desenvolvimento; uma perspectiva actual”, Temas de Integração (TI), nº duplo 29-30
2012- (em co-autoRia) “A inconstitucionalidade das patentes “pipeline” brasileiras (arts. 230º e 231º da Lei da propriedade intelectual do Brasil), João Paulo Remédio Marques e outros Revista Trimestral de Direito Civil, ano 13, vol. 49
2014 – “Política comercial e política da concorrência na OMC; algumas observações”, TI, nº 33
2015 – “O fracasso do Doha Round e a questão do desenvolvimento”, BCE de 2014
(indicar-se-á também bibliografia de outros autores, em língua portuguesa, inglesa e francesa)