Individual Employment Relation

Academic year
Subject Area
Corporate Legal
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Constitutional Law, Employment Law and European Law.

Teaching Methods

The teaching will be oriented in accordance with the following methodology: a set of doutrinal texts and cases of mandatory reading will be distributed to the students and discussed in each class in the context of the lecture.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge in order to be able to master the regulatory framework of discrimination law within the context of employment relations. This curricular unit will not limit itself to the study of the national regulation; it will also adopt an international, European and comparative perspective in order to provide students with an integrated and comparative outlook of the legal norms regulating this subject. It seeks to stimulate the critical thought of the students and to identify the internal tensions existing within of this branch of the legal order.

Work Placement(s)



1. Anti-discrimination Law: concept, historical evolution and sources 2. Anti-discrimination Law and employment relation 3. The forms of discrimination: direct, indirect, harassment, instruction to discriminate and victimization, multiple discrimination, discrimination by association and assumed discrimination, positive action 4. The main prohibited discrimination grounds (specially age, disability and chronic illness) 5. The protection against discrimination in international covenants and European law 6. Portuguese legal regime: acesso to work, working conditions, dismissal.

Head Lecturer(s)

João Carlos Conceição Leal Amado

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


Ramalho, Maria do Rosário Palma, Tratado de Direito do Trabalho. Parte II – Situações laborais individuais, 5.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra, 2014;

Moreira, Teresa Coelho, “A jurisprudência do TJUE sobre a discriminação dos trabalhadores em razão da deficiência: breve análise dos casos Chacón Navas, Jette Ring e Coleman”, Questões Laborais, Número especial (42), 2013, págs. 655 a 673;

Moreira, Teresa Coelho, Igualdade e não discriminação – Estudos de Direito do Trabalho, Almedina, 2013;

Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia, coord. Alessandra Silveira e Mariana Canotilho, Almedina, Coimbra, 2013;

Fredman, Sandra, Discrimination Law, 2.ª edição, Oxford University Press, 2011;

Zimmer, Michael/Charles Sullivan/Rebecca Hanner White, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination, 8.ª edição, Aspen Publishers, 2012;

Cordero Cordillo, Vanessa, Igualdad y no discriminación de las personas con discapacidad en el mercado de trabajo, Tirant lo blanch, 2011.