History of Portuguese Law
Historical Legal
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
History of Law.
Teaching Methods
Seminar-like teaching methods suit better a Masters degree course. Classes will promote dialogue, problematizing and reflection. Continuous assessment, with presentations and discussion on the topics and on students' research work. Care will be taken to ensure that in-class discussions are nurtured by students' individual research.
Learning Outcomes
The History of Portuguese Law course aims at explaining Law's historicity and its specific meaning. The overwhelming educational potential of this subject matter is at the service of integral jurists willing to critically reflect about the contingent character of the different historical and cultural implementations of the Law. Hence the purpose of illuminating current mainstream law.
Work Placement(s)
1. History of Law under discussion: the different approaches.
2. History of Law science in Europe and in Portugal.
3. Major landmarks in the development of Portuguese Law.
4. The Luso-Brazilian juridical common ground period and its relevance for the History of Brazilian Law.
5. Selected topics on private law history, public law history and history of legal thought.
Assessment Methods
Research work: 100.0%
MARCOS, Rui Manuel de Figueiredo, A Histórica do Direito e o seu Ensino na Escola de Coimbra, Coimbra, Almedina, 2014.
MARCOS, Rui Manuel de Figueiredo, A Legislação Pombalina. Alguns Aspectos Fundamentais, Coimbra, Almedina, 2006.
COSTA, Mário Júlio de Almeida, História do Direito Português, 5.ª ed., com a colaboração de Rui Manuel de Figueiredo MARCOS, Coimbra, Almedina, 2014.
MARCOS, Rui Manuel de Figueiredo/MATHIAS, Fernando/NORONHA, Ibsen, História do Direito Brasileiro, Gen/Editora Forense, Rio de Janeiro, 2014.