Administrative Law II
Political Legal
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Administrative Law, Constitutional Law.
Teaching Methods
Teaching methodologies: lectures and exercises. Each class is affected to a specific matter, which will be the motto to provoke the debate with and among the Students. After the presentation of the themes of the program, the Students shall present a written paper. The evaluation will result from the analysis of that paper combined with the participation during the seminars.
Learning Outcomes
The curricular unit aims to offer the fundamental concepts on Public Domain Law, as a branch of Special Administrative Law, as well to expose the legal regime of public property. At the end of the curricular unit Students shall be able: to do a critical analysis of legal acts on public domain, to distinguish between public and private property, to evaluate the legalness of administrative actions on public property, to do a critical analysis of both national and foreign case law, and constitutional, civil and administrative case law, and to solve real cases.
Work Placement(s)
1. Public domain law as branch of special administrative law
2. Public domain: dominiality status and private property
3. Public domain between Constitutional, legal acts and administrative regulations
4. Public domain goods
5. Public domain subjects
6. Public domain legal regimes
7. Public domain use
8. Public domain protection.
Head Lecturer(s)
Jorge André Carvalho Barreira Alves Correia
Assessment Methods
Other: 10.0%
Research work: 90.0%
Moniz, A. R. G., «Direito do Domínio Público», in: Paulo OTERO/Pedro GONÇALVES, Tratado de Direito Administrativo Especial, vol. V, Almedina, Coimbra, 2011, pp. 11-212.
Moniz, A. R. G., «A Concessão de Uso Privativo do Domínio Público: Um Instrumento de Dinamização dos Bens Dominiais», in: Ars Iudicandi. Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António Castanheira Neves, vol. III, Studia Iuridica 92, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito/Coimbra Editora, 2009, pp. 293-365.
Moniz, A. R. G., «Contrato Público e Domínio Público: Os Contratos sobre o Domínio Público à Luz do Código dos Contratos Públicos e da Nova Legislação sobre o Domínio Público», in: Pedro Gonçalves (org.), Estudos de Contratação Pública, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 2008, pp. 831-892.
Moniz, A. R. G., O Domínio Público: O Critério e o Regime Jurídico da Dominialidade, Almedina, Coimbra, 2005.