Constitutional Law II
Political Legal
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Constitucional Law, European Union Law.
Teaching Methods
Interactive seminars with students, combining theoretical exposition of themes with discussion of practical issues.
Learning Outcomes
This course aims to familiarize students with the new challenges posed by science and technology to modern constitutional law, in particular to fundamental rights and freedoms, within the context not only of Portuguese law, but also of European law.
Work Placement(s)
1. The new challenges of modern constitutional law
2. Fundamental rights and biomedical technologies
2.1. Medical technologies
2.2. Reproductive technologies
2.3. Genetic technologies
3. Fundamental rights and digital technologies
3.1. Digital Governance
3.2. Privacy and protection of personal data
3.3. Artificial intelligences and algorithms.
Head Lecturer(s)
Vera Lúcia Carapeto Raposo
Assessment Methods
Other: 25.0%
Research work: 75.0%
Raposo, Vera Lúcia, O Direito à Imortalidade (O Exercício de Direitos Reprodutivos Mediante Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida e o Estatuto Jurídico do Embrião In Vitro). Almedina, Coimbra, 2014
Raposo, Vera Lúcia, ‘Gene Editing, the Mystic Threat to Human Dignity’, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 16(2), 2019, pp. 249-257.
Raposo, Vera Lúcia ‘Bons Pais, Bons Genes?: Deveres Reprodutivos no Domínio da Saúde e Procreative Beneficence’, Lex Medicinae, 4(II), 2019, pp. 471-483.
Raposo, Vera Lúcia, ‘Doctor’s Criminal Liability and Medically Assisted Death – The Portuguese Case’, European Journal of Health Law, 26, 2019, pp. 240-254.
Raposo, Vera Lúcia, ‘Que a Tecnologia Esteja Connosco Nestes Tempos de COVID-19 (Legitimidade da STAYAWAY COVID no Ordenamento Jurídico Português)’, Revista do Ministério Público, 164, 2020, pp. 9-49
Raposo, Vera Lúcia, ‘Big Brother Knows that you are Infected: Wearable Devices to Track Potential COVID-19 Infections’, La