Responsibility Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Civil Legal
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Law of Obligations.

Teaching Methods

Lessons will comprise lectures on selected subjects and critical debates on the same subjects. Firstly, some of the themes studied on the 1st cycle will be reviewed, so that research threads, criteria or basis can be laid out. Secondly, students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking towards the subjects that form the basis for these studies. In the classroom there will also be opportunities for indicating criteria or methodological guidelines for students to develope their Master works.

Learning Outcomes

- Encourage students to reflect and problematize tort law dogmatically, aiming at a better understanding of its framework and contents.

- Rethink tort law themes studied in the 1st cycle, aiming at the construction of an individual and coherent discourse on the subjects that provide the basis and the object for the relevant research.

Work Placement(s)



I. Tort Law and Contracts

- Distinction

- The unlawfulness: the problem of pure economic loss

- a Tertium genus between contract and offense?

II - Foundations and goals of Tort Law

III - Tort law for dangerous activities

- The relevance of the Subjective Responsibility/Objective Responsibility binomial

- The approach between subjective responsibility and objective responsibility

- The analogy with the hypothesys of objective responsibility

IV - Causation

- Causal link and imputation

- The sphere of risk theory

- hypothesys of multiple caustion.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Mafalda Castanheira Neves Miranda Barbosa

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


Sinde Monteiro, Responsabilidade por conselhos, informações e recomendações, Almedina, Coimbra, 1989

Mafalda Miranda Barbosa, Do nexo de causalidade ao nexo de imputação: contributo para a compreensão da natureza binária e personalística do requisito causal ao nível da responsabilidade civil extracontratual, Princípia, 2013

Id., Responsabilidade civil: novas perspetivas em matéria de nexo de causalidade, Princípia, 2014

Id., Estudos sobre a responsabilidade objetiva, Princípia, 2014

Id., Liberdade versus responsabilidade : a precaução como fundamento da imputação delitual?, Almedina, Coimbra, 2006

Id., Reflexões em torno da responsabilidade civil: teleologia e teleonomologia em debate”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, vol. LXXXI, Coimbra, 2005, p. 511 a 600

Carneiro da Frada, Direito Civil. Responsabilidade civil. O método do caso, Almedina, Coimbra, 2006

Carneiro da Frada, Contrato e deveres de protecção, 1994

Antunes Varela, Das obrigações em geral, I, Almedina, 2003.