Philosophy of Human Rights

Academic year
Subject Area
Philosophical Legal
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

History of human rights.

Teaching Methods

Face to face teaching with student’s participation.

Learning Outcomes

The main purpose is one of inculcating the notion that because today's Law is a Law of causes and values, jurists are required to manage complex normative and value-related issues. Given the fundamental role of human rights, the context in which they emerged as well as their nature and foundations are to be addressed. By the same token, the role and meaning of human rights as a value system underpinning the idea of justice is also to be tackled. 

Work Placement(s)



Human Rights and Western Tradition.

The philosophical core of the theme:

1. From Plato to Stoicism.

2. From Christianity to the present day.

Head Lecturer(s)

Luís António Malheiro Meneses Vale

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


Mário Reis Marques, Direitos fundamentais e afirmação de identidades, in Economia e sociologia,n.º 80-Évora–2005,157ss

M.R.M,A dignidade humana como prius axiomático, in Estudos em homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Jorge de Figueiredo Dias, Coimbra, 2010,Vol. IV,541ss

M.R.M.,A hipertrofia do presente no direito da era da globalização, in Revista Lusófona de humanidades e tecnologias, 2008

M. R.M.,A dignidade humana: minimum invulnerável ou simples cláusula de estilo?In Estudos rm homenagem ao Prof. Doutor José Joaquim  Gomes Canotilho, Coimbra, 2012

Guy Haarscher, A filosofia dos direitos humanos, Lisboa, 1997

Norberto Bobbio,L’età dei diritti,Torino,1997

António Castanheira Neves, O problema da universalidade do direito – ou o direito hoje, na diferença e no encontro humano-dialogante das culturas, in Internacionalização do direito no novo século, Coimbra, 2009

José Manuel Aroso Linhares,O Homo Humanus do direito e o projecto inacabado da modernidade, in B.da  Fac. Dir.,Vol.LXXXVI,2010