Social Security Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Political Legal
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Seminar-like method. A systematic presentation of the subject matters interspersed with discussion by the students will be carried out in the first part of the course. The goal is prepare them for a final research work intended to boost and check their research skills. Since the course is included in the “SPES – Sociality, Poverty(ies) and Social Exclusion” project (, students have the opportunity of participating in the initiatives undertaken in the framework of that project.  

Learning Outcomes

After completing the “Law (rights), sociality and poverty(ies)” course, students are expected to have learnt the main thrust of the discussion on poverty and sociality; a special emphasis is given to social security law. They are specifically expected to: 1) learn about the hot topics in the theoretical and dogmatic discussion on poverty-related concepts (e.g. social exclusion); 2) show they have read relevant works (e.g. Amartya Sen); 3) know the legal concepts provided for in the Portuguese legislation along with some historical and comparative dimensions, especially in the framework of some European and the Brazilian legal order.

Work Placement(s)



Part I – Fundamentals

Ch. 1 – Poverty(ies) and Law: concepts, objectives of the course

2 – History: memory and classical authors

3. Poverty, circumstance(s) and institutions

4. Sources of law: domestic law, international law, EU law

5. Principles

Part II – The shape of poverty in Portuguese social security law

1. Guidelines of the social security system

2. Social insurance and poverty

3. Social protection system of citizenship and poverty

4. Some ways forward towards reform, in dialogue with others. 

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


Sumários desenvolvidos e a bibliografia aí indicada. / Elaborate lecture-notes with pertinent bibliography


LOUREIRO, João Carlos, Direito da segurança social: entre a necessidade e o risco, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2014


LOUREIRO, João Carlos, “Responsabilidade(s), pobreza e mundo(s): para uma tópica (inter)constitucional da pobreza”,  in: Fernando Alves CORREIA/ Jónatas Eduardo Mendes MACHADO/ João Carlos LOUREIRO (Orgs.), Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho, vol. I, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2012, p. 395-424.


LOUREIRO, João Carlos, “Rostos e (des)gostos da(s) Europa(s): dom, fraternidade e pobreza”, Revista da Universidade de Aveiro – Letras (2012/1), p. 181-232.