
Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Geography
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Close supervision of individual students.

Learning Outcomes

The Internship aims to provide students with the direct contact with professional practices and forms of intervention linked to the competencies developed throughout the course. It also seeks to develop capacities in the use of theoretical and methodological tools appropriate to professional practices and issues that deserve intervention. The development of competences for the preparation of studies and intervention proposals, in an autonomous, critical, methodological and scientifically grounded manner, are other objectives of this UC. In the internship report, the student must show work capacity, innovation and autonomy, carrying out an original work that constitutes an advance in the scientific knowledge and that is applied in the scope of the institution where the internship was carried out.

Work Placement(s)



 The syllabus will be adjusted both to the research topics chosen by students and to their host institutions. Nevertheless, the following topics must be respected:

- Identify in a precise manner the goal(s) / problem(s) to be researched

- Gather and analyze the relevant bibliography

- Define working hypotheses or starting points

- Select and apply appropriate research methodologies

- Gather, organize, analyze and interpret the results

- Write the report.

Assessment Methods

Report of a seminar or field trip: 100.0%


Bibliografia Geral:

Knight, J. (2018). Research Methods in Physical Geography. Taylor & Francis Ltd, United Kingdom, 416p.

Oliveira, Luís Adriano (2011). Dissertação e Tese em Ciência e Tecnologia Segundo Bolonha. Lisboa: LIDEL.

Reis, Felipa Lopes dos (2010). Como Elaborar uma Dissertação de Mestrado segundo Bolonha. Lisboa: Pactor.

Soares, A. (2014). Geoestatística para as Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente. IST - Instituto Superior Técnico (ed.), 3.ª Ed., 232p.

Bibliografia específica:

A bibliografia específica depende de cada um dos temas a desenvolver pelos alunos. / The specific bibliography varies according to the research topics chosen by students for their theses.