Pre-clinical Unit 3

Academic year
Subject Area
Practice Field
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Pediatric Dentistry I

Preventive and Community Dentistry, Nutrition and Dietetics; Human General and Head and Neck Anatomy; Dental Anatomy; Physiology of the Stomatognathic System; General and Dental Histology and Embryology.

Orthodontics I

Human General and Head and Neck Anatomy; Dental Anatomy; Physiology of the Stomatognathic System; General and Dental Histology and Embryology.

Teaching Methods

Pediatric Dentistry I

Theoretical classes: addressed the topics contained in the program plan based on the most current scientific evidence, resorting fundamentally to expository presentations, although complemented with clinical cases (pictures/videos) whenever considered appropriate.


Orthodontics I

Theoretical classes: addressed the topics contained in the program plan based on the most current scientific evidence, resorting fundamentally to expository presentations, although complemented with clinical cases (pictures/videos) whenever considered appropriate.

Practical and TP Classes:

a) Execution and trimming of orthodontic study cast models, fabrication of a removable appliance and elaboration and presentation of an orthodontic medical history.

b) Analysis of cast models, cephalometric analysis and hand rx analysis, essential to the elaboration of an orthodontic medical history

Learning Outcomes

Pediatric Dentistry I

Acquiring, combining and interpreting theoretical fundamentals aiming specific clinical applications:

1) Being able to properly elaborate a clinical history and treatment plan;

2) Demonstrate knowledge that enables the diagnose of the most prevalent oral diseases in children;

3) Dominate, theoretically, the main behaviour management, preventive, restorative, of pulpal approach and surgical techniques in children in different dentition stages.

Orthod I

Providing theoretical and practical foundations necessary to the orthodontic clin practice, enabling them, as future generalist dentists, to identify, diagnose and treat orthodontic problems using removable and functional appliances

1. To know the essential theoretical basis of craniofacial growth, dentition development, etiology and diagnosis of occlusal and skeletal problems

2. To know how to use and work with the diagnostic tools essential to the elaboration of an orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.

Work Placement(s)



Pediatric Dentistry I - 1Oral/general anatomophysiological generalities/particularities in children  2Most prevalent oral diseases and systemic with oral repercussions in children  3Diagnosis/treatment plan in PD  4Pharmacology and basic therapeutics in PD 5  Behaviour management and psychological approach in PD  6Anesthetic techniques in PD  7Techniques/materials for preventive/restorative/surgical/pulp tts in PD  8Orofacial trauma in PD  9Children with special health care needs

Orthodontics I - 1Orthodontics: preventive, interceptive and corrective  2Definition and classification of malocclusion  3 Orthodontic diagnosis  4Orthodontic exam   5Analysis of dental occlusion 6Analysis of the muscles oro- maxillofacial  7Cephalometric analysis  8Etiology of malocclusion  9Orthodontic treatment plan 10Prenatal facial growth 11Congenital malformations  12Formation of the craniofacial skeleton  13Regional growth of the craniofacial complex 14Removable appliances anf functional appliances.

Head Lecturer(s)

Francisco José Fernandes Vale

Assessment Methods

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous assessment
Frequency: 100.0%


Odontopediatria I
1) Boj JR et al. Odontopediatría. Editorial Masson. 2004; 2) Mcdonald RE, Avery DR. Odontopediatria. 7º ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan. 2001; 3) Welbury R, Duggal M. Paediatric Dentistry. 4th ed. Oxford University Press. 2012; 4) Silva LB. Tratado de Odontopediatria (I e II). Amolca. 2008; 5) Bibliografia cedida complementarmente no
decorrer do ano letivo de acordo com os temas em leccionação. 6)
Ortodoncia I
1) Proffit W, Fields Jr HW, Sarver DM. Contemporary Orthodontics; 2) Viazis A. Atlas of advanced orthodontics; 3) Graber L. Current Principles and techniques; 4) Enlow DH, Hans GH. Essentials of facial growth.