Hematological Pathology in Elderly
Endocrinological, Hematological, Dermatological and Rheumatological Diseases
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
The same recommended for master admission.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical and theoretical-pratical course.
Learning Outcomes
The objectives of this curricular unit are to make a brief revision of hematopoiesis and the alterations in the elderly, as well as the acquisition of knowledge and/or updated their knowledge about the physiopathology, the diagnosis and treatment of the principals hematological diseases in the elderly, namely anemia’s, hematological neoplasias more frequent and hemostasis disturbances.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction.
2. Hematopoiesis, elderly and cancer.
3. Anemia in elderly.
3.1. Epidemiology.
3.2. Physiopatology and etioloy.
3.2.1. hemorragic and nutritional anemias.
3.2.2. iron deficiency.
3.2.3. Vitamin B12 and Folic acid deficiency.
4. hematological neoplasias in elderly.
4.1. Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia.
4.2. Multiple Myeloma.
4.3. Myelodysplasic Syndromes.
5. Hemostase alterations in elderly.
5.1. Thrombosis.
Head Lecturer(s)
Ana Bela Sarmento Antunes Cruz Ribeiro
Assessment Methods
Exam: 100.0%
- Ana Bela Sarmento-Ribeiro. Alterações Hematológicas no Idoso. In Geriartria – Saber e Praticar. Editor Manuel Teixeira Veríssimo. Ed Lidel, 2014.
-Hematologic malignancies in elderly patients Moustapha Hassan et al.,.haematologica 2014, 99 (7)
- Barzi A., Sekeres M.A. (2010) Myelodysplastic syndromes: a practical approach to diagnosis and treatment. Clev Cli J of Med, 77(1), 37-44.1.
- Bladé J, Cibeira MT, Larrea CF, Rosiñol L (2010) Multiple myeloma. Annals of Oncology 21(7):313-319.
- Catherine F Hughes, Mary Ward, Leane Hoey and Helene McNulty. Vitamin B12 and ageing: current issues and interaction with folate Ann Clin Biochem 2013, 0(0): 1–15.
- Curtis J. Henry, Andriy Marusyk and James DeGregori. Aging-associated changes in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis: What’s the connection? AGING, 2011, Vol.3, N1.
- Massimo Franchini (2006). Hemostasis and aging. Clitical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 60: 144-151.
- Mayhew M (2006) Anemia of chronic disease in the elderly. JNP: 261-267.