Contemporary Issues of Social Pedagogy and of Social Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

It is intended to reconcile the method of dialogued exposition, for conceptual framework, with the use of pedagogical practices based on autonomous work with tutorial support. Bibliographic review work and contact with Social Education projects and professionals in various areas, areas and contexts will be encouraged in order to facilitate the realization of small summaries on topics covered in the various modules, which will integrate a reflection on the principles, educational and social conditions, the assumptions of educational practices and their social impact.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit represents an area of acquisition of fundamental knowledge for a critical reflection on the evolution of concepts and practices related to social pedagogy and social education in their connections and under the impact of social changes over the last two centuries, and especially in the last decades of the twentieth century and in these early years of this century. Thus, students must: 

Recognize the importance and place of social pedagogy/social education.

Distinguish times and the crucial changes in the evolution of Social Pedagogy and Social Education.

Identify and characterize aspects associated with socialization in integral education of people, and the socializing agents and institutions.

Relate social education with the welfare state.

Relate education with social inequalities.

Identify and characterize areas, spaces and institutions of intervention in social education.

Work Placement(s)



I. The emergence of Social Pedagogy and Social Education: from social transformations to conceptual definition and scientific construction

II. Contemporary challenges of Social Education: Citizenship, Human Rights, Ethic,Interculturality, Equality and Equity, Solidarity and Social Justice, Right of Participation and Duty of Implication, Inclusive Society, Educator Society, Public Policies, Sustainable Development and Networking.

III. Social Education area, scopes and contexts for the 21st Century: socio-cultural area, socio-educational area, social area, socio-labor area, community intervention, information society area, support area for formal education, intervention in basic social and health services, health area care for migrants and people belonging to ethnic-cultural minorities, area of care for victims and people in situations of vulnerability, marginalization and exclusion, area of care for elderly people; area of care for people with disabilities and special social needs.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Rosário Carvalho Nunes Manteigas Moura Pinheiro

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 100.0%


Caride. J. A, (2004). Las fronteras de la Pedagogía Social. Perspectivas científica e histórica. Barcelona:Gedisa editorial.

Carvalho, A. D. e Baptista, I. (2008). Educação Social: Fundamentos e estratégias. Porto: Porto editora.

Costa, A. F. (2012), Desigualdades Sociais Contemporâneas. Lisboa, Editora Mundos Sociais.

Ferrer, A. T.; Fernández, F. S. (Coords). (2003). Génesis y situación de la educación social en Europa. Madrid: UNED.

Fraser, N. (2002) A justiça social na globalização: redistribuição, reconhecimento e participação. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 63,7-20.

Aguado, T. (2010). Diversidad e igualdad en educación. Madrid: UNED

Pérez Serrano, G. (2003). Pedagogía social-educación social. Construcción científica e intervención práctica. Madrid:Narcea.

Petrus. A. (Coord.) (1998). Pedagogía Social. Barcelona: Ariel educación.

Pozo, M.M, Álvaréz, J. Luengo, J., & Otero, E. (2009). Teorias e instituiciones contemporáneas de educación.Madrid: Bilioteca Nueva.