Health Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Educational Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Active and participatory methodologies will be articulated  with oral presentations supported by audiovisual resources produced and selected according to the unit's contents. Debates and discussions around issues of the program, by teachers, students and invited experts.

Group work for training of skills, case studies and problem situations that shall be continued in the theoretical and practical work for evaluation.

Tutorials orientation in individual and group work.

Learning Outcomes

In this curricular unit it is expected that students:

- Understand Health as a bio-psycho-socio-cultural issue and Health Education as a strategy for Disease Prevention, Health and Healthy Lifestyles Promotion at school, family and community.

- Know the educational, psychological, sociological and ecological assumptions that underlie Health Education.

- Analyze determinants of health, and health problems associated with the respective risk and protective factors.

- Know models and methodologies for planning and evaluation in Health Education

- Examine pedagogical tools useful for the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of programs, projects and actions of health education, which may help master students to implement interventions in the future, next to various target groups, and in educational settings

- Become facilitators of the educational process and responsible for its validation by the various actors.

Work Placement(s)



I - Basis and justification of Health Education in today's society

1. The concept of Health as a bio -psycho -socio - cultural issue: the salutogenic paradigm

2. Health Education, Prevention and Health Promotion : distinctions

3. Determinants of Health

4. Healthy Lifestyles , indicators of health and well -being , and health problems associated with the respective risk and protective factors .

5. Priority areas of health education in schools

II - Interventions in Health Education

6. Levels of educative intervention : information, awareness , education and behavior change

7. Models of Health Education

8. Models for Planning and Evaluation of Projects in Health Education

9. Values based practices and evidence-based practices

10. While Peer Education Promotion and Education Strategy for Health in school and community context

III - Pedagogical tools: processes, learning experiences and educational resources.

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
40% El.of a test (individual mode)/free health theme,60% El.of a Resource Guide participation in projects and training prog.Health Ed.: 100.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous evaluation
Research work: 40.0%
Project: 60.0%


Quiles, J,  Sebastián, MJ, Carrilo, F (2003). Manual de Psicología de la Salud con Niños, Adolescentes y Familia. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide.

 Filho, HC, Borges, CF, & Franquilho, MA (2008). Organização de Intervenções Preventivas: Gestão de Problemas de Saúde em Meio Escolar. Lisboa: Coisas de Ler Edições.

Green, L. Kreuter, M. & Renaud, L. (1999). Modele de planification PRECEDE/PROCEED, In L. Renaud & M. G.  Zamudio, Planifier pour mieux agir (2ième éd.) (pp. 1-58). Montréal: Réseau Francophone International pour la Promotion de la Santé.

Pinheiro, M.R. (2006). Educação pelos Pares: de educandos a educadores, uma estratégia atractiva mas muito exigente. Revista Ser Solidário, Ano 4, nº 34, pp. 7-9.

Stewart-Brown, S. (2006). What is the evidence on school health promotion in improving health or preventing disease and, specifically, what is the effectiveness of the health promoting schools approach? Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe: Health Evidence Network Report.