Competence Recognition, Validation and Certification

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Lectures, debates and practical work.
Are planned 2 evaluation methods: Periodic Evaluation and Final Evaluation
The final evaluation is an examination (100%) and periodic evaluation consists of a seminar report (25%); research work (25%) and laboratory or field work (50%).

Learning Outcomes

To understand the importance of the Validation of Acquired Experiences as the backbone of a public policy of Adult Education and Training;
To critically discuss the concepts and theoretical models of support to the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Knowledge and Skills;
To accompany candidates for certification in the development of processes of personal and social recognition of acquired experiences, mediating the performance of Skills Balances and the development of Portfolios;
To prepare the creation of Validation and Certification Juries.

Work Placement(s)



1. Two consensuses in current debates on education and training: we learn during and in all moments of our life.
a. typology of learning: experiential, through transmission, application and explanation;
b. different knowledge and the difficulty of finding ways to make them mutually equivalent;
c. importance of all knowledge for life and work
2. Training and Work: chronicle of a difficult relationship.
a. training for (and at) work: the qualification model and the competence model;
b. profession, qualification, professionalism and employability: contributions of the Validation of Acquired Experiences for the professional socialization and the (re)construction of identities;
3. Validation of acquired experiences and citizenship
4. Limits and challenges for acquired experiences validation system based on skills
5. Theoretical models for the development of recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC)
7. Policies and practices of RVCC.

Assessment Methods

Periodic Evaluation
Report of a seminar or field trip: 25.0%
Research work: 25.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 50.0%

Final Evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


Adjas, S. (2006). La VAE, quand l'experience vaut le diplôme. Paris: Demos.
Alcoforado, L. (2001). O Modelo da Competência e os adultos portugueses não qualificados. Revista Portuguesa de
Pedagogia, Ano 35, nº1, 67-83.
Alcoforado (2012). Qualificar para novas oportunidades: desafios e limites. In J. M. Silva. Iniciativa novas oportunidades: teoria e práticas, (pp. 149-158). Leiria, Lisboa: IPL, ANQEP.
Evans, N. (2006a). Recognition, Assessment and Accreditation of Prior Learning : Background and Constituencies.
In C. Corradi, N. Evans & A, Valk. Recognising Experiential Learning. Practices in European Universities (pp. 17-36). Tartu: Tartu University Press.
Klenowski, V. (2005). Desarrollo de PORTAFOLIOS Para el Aprendizaje y la Evaluación. Madrid: Narcea.
Lainé, A. (2005). VAE, quand l’expérience se fait savoir. Paris: Érès.
Lemoine, C. (2005). Se former o bilan de compétences. Paris: Dunod