
Academic year
Subject Area
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Pharmacognosy, Medicinal Plants, Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy.

Teaching Methods

Teaching is done with face-to-face classes but on most subjects the student also has a corresponding previously recorded class available in Educast, which should be viewed preferably before the face-to-face class. Students are provided with links to special content that should be part of their day-to-day activities in order to keep their content updated. Specific articles are also available on some themes and books that can support some subjects. The debate is always stimulated in each class and autonomous research is essential for better performance.

Learning Outcomes

The Curricular Unit encompasses a set of knowledge about Medicines and other herbal health products (food supplements, medical devices, biocides, ..) supported by data on efficacy and safety (with special attention to EMA monographs). Thus, the main objective is to provide knowledge about herbal products with health benefits in various pathologies, taking into account, in addition to aspects of effectiveness (well-established medical use and traditional use), also possible side effects, toxicity and interactions, as well as some regulatory aspects that apply to these products.

Work Placement(s)



General concepts of Phytotherapy and its integration in Health Systems according to WHO.

Herbal health products: Aspects of quality, effectiveness and safety.

Types of products marketed based on plants - regulatory aspects.

Efficiency and safety monographs: HMPC | EMA, ESCOP, WHO, Commission E.

Clinical trials and case studies.

Phytotherapy in Dysfunctions of the digestive system; diuretics and urinary antiseptics; in respiratory disorders; in cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and dyslipidemia; in Changes in Mood and Sleep; in Dermatology.

Adaptogenics and immunostimulants.

Particular case of Pediatrics and Oncology.

Chronic Diseases and Oncology: Drug-Plant Interactions.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria da Graça Ribeiro Campos

Assessment Methods

Frequency: 100.0%

Exam: 100.0%


Legislação disponivel no  website do Infarmed.

Monografias da EMA |“Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)”.

A. Proença da Cunha, Mafalda Proença Portugal, Alda Pereira da Silva, Henrique Proença da Cunha, Maria do Céu Costa e Odete Rodrigues Roque Manual de Plantas Medicinais (LIVRO), Bases Farmacológicas e ClínicasEdição Dinalivro, 2017. ISBN: 9789725766637.

A. Proença da Cunha, Alda Pereira da Silva, Odete Rodrigues Roque, Plantas e produtos vegetais em fitoterapia. 2012. Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian ISBN: 978-972-31-1435-5.

Vanaclocha B, Cañigueral S. Fitoterapia, Vademécum de Prescripción. 5ª ed. Barcelona: Elsevier, 2019. 830 páginas. ISBN: 978-84-9113-299-8. Elsevier.

Outros materiais disponibilizados pelos docentes/Other materials provided by teachers.