Literary Translation French-Portuguese

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Advanced language skills in Portuguese and intermediate skills in French; literary reading skills and knowledge of literary studies.

Teaching Methods

Practical and interactive methods, involving individual and group translation of various kinds of literary texts; identifying and solving problems, as well as choosing the most appropriate translation strategies for each type of text; analysing phenomena of linguistic, historical and/or cultural interference; identifying and addressing lexical, stylistic and discursive differences between both languages; comparing various translation possibilities using translation studies and literary studies concepts and tools.

Learning Outcomes

This seminar enables students to:

- Develop translation skills and strategies through contact with different literary genres, subgenres and styles;

- Understand the contextual, aesthetic, ideological and cultural implications in the process of rendering a French source text into a Portuguese target text;

- Discuss the problematic relation between fidelity and translatability and author/translator from various angles.

Work Placement(s)



This course is essentially practical, providing application of the concepts and methods presented in the Translation Theory seminar.

It focuses on the translation of a wide range of French modern and contemporary literary texts of different genres, subgenres and styles. This will enable problems of cultural transfer to be addressed, as well as fundamental aspects of literary translation such as the relationship beween the source text and its rewriting, the relationship between author and translator, and specific aspects of literary translation from French into Portuguese.

Although paying attention to linguistic issues, the emphasis is on a broader approach, which considers the intertextual, extratextual and contextual (historical, artistic, literary, inter/cultural, sociological) aspects of the source text.

Assessment Methods

Research work: 20.0%
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Active partivipation in class : 20.0%
Project: 40.0%


Barrento, J. (2002). O Poço de Babel. Para uma poética da tradução literária. Relógio d’Água.

Eco, U. (2005). Dizer quase a mesma coisa. Sobre a tradução. Difel.

Grandmont, D. (2013). A viagem de traduzir. (Tradução portuguesa e posfácio de João Domingues e Maria de Jesus Cabral). Col. Diálogos em tradução. Edições Pedago.

Meschonnic, H. (1999). Poétique du traduire. Verdier.

Schleiermacher, F. (1813/1999). Des diferentes méthodes de traduire (traduit par Antoine Berman). Editions du Seuil.