Research Seminar I

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Enhances the ability of students to follow and reinforce the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired, now directing it toward his own research topic. Stimulating the students for deepening readings and knowledge to help them to organize a good structuring of each research to be developed.

Teaching Methods

This course enhances a method of classroom teaching, which presupposes the availability of students to attend and participate in classes.

Learning Outcomes

Develop and monitor the PhD projects, creating conditions for them to be commented on and discussed between teachers and students; to stimulate sharing of research experiences as well as self-confidence and responsibility in each doctoral student. Consequently, taking into consideration these objectives, several reference texts and books where suggested to the students in order to help them to reach a better definition of their themes of research

Work Placement(s)



This course is busy with sessions of different content, but for guiding doctoral students in research work and the preparation of the Thesis Project I. Therefore, several possible PhD. themes are proposed to the students, Those themes are based on reference texts and books.

Head Lecturer(s)

Elísio Guerreiro do Estanque

Assessment Methods

to develop methodological clarification and hypotheses of research : 25.0%
active participation in the discussion of other projects of each student in the class : 25.0%
to deliver the Thesis Project : 50.0%


A bibliografia é muito variável, consoante o conteúdo de cada tema de investigação). No entanto, algumas obras de referência foram objeto de debate com os estudantes, tais como:
AAVV (2009) DOIS anos a ferver : retratos da luta, balanço da precariedade. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Antunes, Ricardo (2009), Adeus ao trabalho? : ensaio sobre as metamorfoses e a centralidade do mundo do trabalho. São Paulo : Cortez Editora.  
Burawoy. M et al. (orgs.) (2000), Global ethnography: forces, connections, and imaginations in a postmodern world. Berkeley: University of California Press
Estanque, Elísio (2000), Entre a fábrica e a comunidade: subjectividades e práticas de classe no operariado do calçado. Porto: Afrontamento.
Kovács, Ilona  (2005), Flexibilidade de emprego : riscos e oportunidades. Oeiras : Celta Editora.
Silva, Manuel Carvalho da (2007), Trabalho e sindicalismo em tempo de globalização : reflexões e propostas. Lisboa : Círculo de Leitores : Temas e Debates [BP 331.5 SIL].