Geopolitics of Peace and Conflicts

Academic year
Subject Area
Political Sciences - International Relations
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Sessions work as debate settings structured with lecture-style moments and more interactive moments, based on the discussion of the recommend bibliography. Sessions are centred on students’ participation under the professor’s guidance, including sum-up and systematization moments of all the information and debates analysed.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objective:

Ability to analyse different peace and conflict contexts from a geopolitical point of view

Specific objectives:

- to identify and understand different theoretical approaches to geopolitics

- to interpret current conflicts based on different geopolitical frameworks of analysis

- to contextualise peace and conflict dynamics in time and space

- to understand the origins and consequences of different geopolitical narratives

Generic competencies:

Critical and discourse analysis capacities; oral and written skills of analysis; research skills; ability to argue a point of view in a scientific manner.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction to the study of geopolitics: concepts and current research topics.

Geopolitical images of the world: origins.

Relation between geopolitical frameworks and analysis of peace and conflict settings.

Relation between geopolitical frameworks and politics of intervention.

Head Lecturer(s)

André Filipe Valadas Saramago

Assessment Methods

Research work: 40.0%
Continuous assessment: combination of written work, in-class participation and oral presentations : 60.0%


Agnew, J. 2003. Geopolitics: Revisioning World Politics. London: Routledge.

Gregory, D. & Pred, A. (eds) 2007. Violent geographies: fear, terror, and political violence, Routledge.

Ó Tuathail, G. 1996. Critical Geopolitics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ikenberry, G. J. 2014 “The Illusion of Geopolitics: The Enduring Power of the Liberal Order”, Foreign Affairs, May/June.

Dalby, S. 2008. “Imperialism, Domination, Culture: The Continued Relevance of Critical Geopolitics” Geopolitics, 13(3): 413‐436.

Slater, D. 2004 Geopolitics and the Post-Colonial: Rethinking North-South Relations. Wiley-Blackwell.

Dodds, Klaus (2008) “Hollywood and the Popular Geopolitics of the War on Terror” Third World Quarterly, 29(8): 1621–1637.

Dodds, K. e Atkinson, D. (eds.) 2000. Geopolitical Traditions: a Century of Geopolitical Thought. London: Routledge.