Private International Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Legal and Civil Science
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of the different Civil Law disciplines

Teaching Methods

A blend of lectures and discussion classes. Students are also encouraged to reflect upon the most significant texts by the fathers of PIL. In addition, some training on the PIL techniques will be provided in the resolution process of specific cases.

The bottom line is that students are strongly encouraged to engage in homeworks and team-works in order to enrich their own background and develop their skills as jurists to-be.

Learning Outcomes

Goals of the course: 1) To understand private law related issues international life; 2) a review of the evolution of Private International Law (PIL) until the present situation thereof; 3) To fathom the underlying meaning of the different legal constructs in the General Part of the Law of conflicts

Work Placement(s)




1. Concept and object of PIL

2. Scope of IPL: legal issues arising from relations within the private international realm

3. Legal foundation and nature of PIL; a comparison with related disciplines

4. Sources of PIL

5. Genesis and historic development of PIL

6. Toward a legal regulation of international private situations: the methodological pluralism.

7. General foundations of PIL: core principles and main attendable values.


General Part

1. The conflict rules   within a conflictual PIL framework – structure and function

2.The Characterisation

3. The conflicts among IPL systems: emergence of the problem, modalities of conflicts, guidelines toward the resolution

4 PIL and complex or plurilegislative legal orders

5 Status and proof of foreign law

6. Public Policy

7. Evasion of law  (fraude à la loi)

Head Lecturer(s)

Rui Manuel Pinto Soares Pereira Dias

Assessment Methods

Exam: 100.0%


A. FERRER CORREIA, Lições de direito internacional privado, Coimbra, 2000.

J. BAPTISTA MACHADO, Lições de direito internacional privado, 3.ª ed., Coimbra: Almedina, 1990.

J. BAPTISTA MACHADO, Âmbito de eficácia e âmbito de competência das leis: Coimbra: Almedina, 1970.

R. MOURA RAMOS, Da lei aplicável ao contrato de trabalho internacional, Coimbra: Livraria Almedina, 1991.

R. MOURA RAMOS, Direito internacional privado – Relatório sobre o programa, o conteúdo e métodos de ensino da disciplina, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2000.

L. LIMA PINHEIRO, Direito internacional privado, 2.ª ed., v. I, Coimbra: Almedina, 2008.