Cellular and Molecular Biology
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Cellular and Molecular Biology (basic level).
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes supported by visual material (Powerpoint presentation) and in which the participation of students is encouraged with the posing of questions and correlation of knowledge.Use of quizzes where appropriate.
Laboratory classes aiming to help the student to understand the organization and functioning of cells and to get in touch with cellular and molecular biology methodologies
Learning Outcomes
The main objective is the study and the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that occur in the cytoplasm and in cell organelles and the way in which these processes are conjugated and contribute, through the inter- and intracellular signaling pathways, to the maintenance of the functional activity of the cell and to the survival of the multicellular organism.
The program of this unit is developed under the following themes:
i) cell composition and molecular organization;
ii) intracellular organelles: structure and functional dynamics;
iii) cellular synthesis and transport of molecules: intracellular trafficking;
iv) cell communication: signal transduction mechanisms between cells and between cells and the environment; regulation of cell function;
v) DNA and genomes, the flow of genetic information;
vi) Cell cycle.
Work Placement(s)
1. Basic properties of cells; characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the origin and evolution of cells
2. Composition and function of the plasma membrane; Mechanisms of transport across the membrane;
3. Structure and function of membranous organelles:
3.1 Nucleus
3.2 Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Complex, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes; intracellular trafficking
3.3 Mitochondria
4. Cytoskeleton
5. Mechanisms of intercellular communication in animal cells: signaling molecules and their receptors; signal transduction pathways
6. DNA and genomes; the flow of genetic information
7. Cell cycle
1. Optical microscopy principles and applications;
2. Extraction of nucleic acids from animal cells;
3. Characterization of proteins by PAGE-SDS
4. Localization of organelles and/or proteins by immunofluorescence
5. Basic principles of cell culture;
6. Determination of cell density in a cellular culture
Head Lecturer(s)
Armanda Emanuela Castro Santos
Assessment Methods
Final assessment
Report of a seminar or field trip: 100.0%
Bibliografia Principal/ Principal Bibliography:
Geoffrey Cooper. “The Cell: a molecular approach”. Oxford University Press, 8th edition, 2019.
Bruce Alberts et al., “Molecular Biology of the Cell”. Norton W. W. & Company, Inc. 7ª ed., 2022.
Gerald Karp et al., “Karp’s Cell and Molecular Biology” – Wiley, 9th edition, 2019
Bibliografia complementar / Complementary Bibliography:
Lodish et al., ”Molecular Cell Biology”. W.H. Freeman, 9ª edition, 2021.
Azevedo C. e Sunkel CE “Biologia Celular e Molecular” Lidel, 5ª edição, 2012
Junqueira L.C. e Carneiro J. “Biologia Celular e Molecular”. Guanabara Koogan, 9ª edição, 2021
Informação científica e didática em artigos nacionais e internacionais (será indicada nas aulas).