Pharmaceutical Development of Medicines
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Biopharmacy, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry.
Teaching Methods
Students are assessed upon final exam, which includes a theoretical and a practical part (which deals with the
knowledge discussed in laboratory classes), corresponding, respectively, to 75 and 25% of the final grade. The
student is considered approved upon reaching a rate equal to or greater than ten (out of 20).
Learning Outcomes
The theoretical and laboratory classes are organized so that the student:
- Realizes what is the process of Pharmaceutical Development;
- Understand the importance of preformulation on a medicine manufacturing and quality;
- Distinguish the role of each class of excipients used in the formulation of dosage forms and the corresponding
mechanism of action.
- Masters the aspects associated with the production of dosage forms.
- Understand the basic aspects of dosage forms quality control.
The implementation of the objectives described will enable students to develop the following skills: problem
solving; critical thinking; autonomous learning; oral and written communication; concern for quality.
Work Placement(s)
Theoretical component
Contextualization. Pre-formulation. Powders: Unit operations, segregation and transfer of powders, Sampling,
Material Sampling, Particle size analysis. Forms obtained by dividing post: medicated powders: advantages,
formulation. Tablets: Formulation, compression, methods of preparation, coating of tablets, types of tablets,
Quality Control. Capsules: Formulation, Production and Quality Control. Liquid and semi-solid dosage forms.
Laboratory component
Preparation and control capsules.
Production (direct compression) and quality control of tablets.
Isotonicity of solutions
Dissolution assay.
Production and quality control of syrups.
Production and quality control of ointments.
Production and quality control of supositories
Head Lecturer(s)
Luís Maria Marques dos Santos Bimbo
Assessment Methods
Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%
Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines, 4th Edition, Churcill Livingstone, M. E.
Aulton (Ed.), Kevin M. G. Taylor, 2013
FASTtrack Pharmaceutics - Dosage Form and Design, 2nd Edition, Pharmaceutical Press. David S. Jones (Ed), 2016
Drug Discovery and Development, 3rd Edition,Elsevier Limited, Raymond G. Hill, Duncan B. Richards (Ed.), 2022