Physiopathology and Therapeutics I
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Anatomy, Physiology, pharmacology and histology; Microbiology and Parasitology, Immunology, and Genetics.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes:
• Prior assessment of students’ level of knowledge.
• Formulation of objectives.
• Clarification of questions that promote reasoning.
• Group discussion
• Discussion that allows a post-lecture assessment.
• Lecturing complemented by a brief final summary.
Practical lessons:
• Analysis of documents.
• Presentations carried out by students.
• Experiential learning.
Learning Outcomes
The main objective: To study the disease and its therapeutic bases in a scientific approach.
General Objectives:
1. To study the general aggression and defence mechanisms of the human body;
2. To study the pathological processes/mechanisms that form the basis of diseases;
3. To provide students with general matters, therapeutic bases
4. To study recent forms of therapeutic approach for each Nosological entity, more frequent.
• Explain the pathophysiological processes of the different agents of disease: mechanical agents, thermoregulation, radiation/electricity, chemicals, living agents, environmental allergens
• Know the main mechanisms of the host response to aggression: inflammation, fever, edema, electrolyte changes, pain, stress, cancer. Demonstrate the capability of identifying the different etiopathogenic parameters. Evaluate laboratory parameters of the inflammatory response.
Work Placement(s)
General notions and scope of Pathophysiology/pathology/therapeutics
Basis for the study of disease.
homeostasis; normal versus usual; health; disease and quality of life
Etiology, pathogenesis. Diagnosis,prognosis. Nosography,Nosology. Patocronia.
Climatic influences, geographical, racial and social health and illness of populations
Pharmacogenetics – General notions
Causes of the diseases
Antibiotics, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antitóxicos ,Its therapeutic applications
Pathophysiology of fever
Antipyretics: mechanisms of action, bioavailability, interactions.
Pathophysiology of sensitivity and Pain
Pathophysiology of stress.
Modifiers of the psyche and the immune system and stress management.
Pathophysiology of circulatoy system
Anti-hypertension Anti-anginosos and anticoagulants
Pathophysiology of cancer
Cancer treatment conventional and new drugs target.
Head Lecturer(s)
Marilia Assunção Rodrigues Ferreira Dourado
Assessment Methods
Exam: 100.0%
J. García-Conde. Patología General - Semiología Clínica y Fisiopatología. Editora: McGraw-Hill – Interamericana; Madrid 2004
The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Goodman and Gilman, 2009, MacGrawHill
Mota-Pinto, A. Fisiopatologia – Fundamentos e Aplicações. 1. ed. Lisboa: Lidel, Edições Técnicas, 2007 Copyright © Outubro de 2007/Reimpressão – Janeiro de 2009/ 2ª edição revista em 2013 Bibliografia apropriada, a recomendar e/ou fornecer, para temas específicos.
O material didático utilizado nas aulas (diapositivos, artigos) será disponibilizado aos alunos.