Pathophysiology and Therapeutics II

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Anatomy, Physiology, pharmacology and histology; Microbiology and Parasitology, Immunology, and Genetics.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes:
• Prior assessment of students’ level of knowledge.
• Formulation of objectives.
• Clarification of questions that promote reasoning.
• Group discussion
• Discussion that allows a post-lecture assessment.
• Lecturing complemented by a brief final summary.
Practical lessons
• Analysis of documents.
• Presentations carried out by students.

Learning Outcomes

-To Develop and deepening the understanding of the basic mechanisms of disease and body‘s defense, and appropriate therapeutic intervention. -To Be able to, make proposals which would lead to the elaboration and development of project (s) in the context of biomedical research, dedicated to the technological innovation and development of new drugs from, the integration of knowledge. Explain the pathophysiological processes of the different disease: Know the main mechanisms of the host response to aggression. Demonstrate the capability of identifying different etiopathogenic parameters. Evaluate laboratory parameters of disease. The student should know how to evaluate existing clinical research, whether observational or experimental studies. The student must know the national and european pharmacovigilance system and should know how to evaluate a notification of an adverse reaction.

Work Placement(s)



Cellular Injury. Practical aspects related to cellular injury
New therapeutic approaches the injured cell.
Chronic Pain. Pathophysiological and molecular mechanisms
Treatment of chronic pain.
Pathophysiology Oedema
Medical and medical-surgical therapeutic approach according to its aetiology.
Case studies of oedematous therapy
Pathophysiology of growth.
Therapeutic approach of the major syndromes related to changes in growth.
Pathophysiology of Hematopoietic System
The main therapeutic approach haematopoietic syndromes.
Pathophysiology of eating disorders
Treatment of eating disorders:
Physiopathology of digestive system
Therapeutic approach of peptic ulcer disease and syndromes of Mal-absorption.

Head Lecturer(s)

Marilia Assunção Rodrigues Ferreira Dourado

Assessment Methods

Exam: 100.0%


García-Conde. Patología General - Semiología Clínica y Fisiopatología. Editora: McGraw-Hill – Interamericana; Madrid 2004
Mota-Pinto, A. Fisiopatologia – Fundamentos e Aplicações. 1. ed. Lisboa: Lidel, Edições Técnicas, 2007 Copyright © Outubro de 2007/Reimpressão – Janeiro de 2009/ 2ª edição revista em 2013 Bibliografia apropriada, a recomendar e/ou fornecer, para temas específicos.
Terapêutica Medicamentosa e suas Bases Farmacológicas, 5ª edição. Coordenado por S. Guimarães, D. Moura e P. Soares da Silva. Porto Editora, 2006. LT Livro de base
-Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, de BG Katzung, McGraw-Hill -Goodman and Gilman’s. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Editado por A. G. Gilman et al.Pergamon Press.
- Bibliografia apropriada, a recomendar e/ou fornecer, para temas específicos.
- O material didático utilizado nas aulas (diapositivos, artigos) será disponibilizado aos alunos.