General Microbiology

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Biology and basic Biochemistry.

Teaching Methods

The theoretical lessons are based in the classical model of knowledge transmission, using audio-visual presentation to illustrate the various subjects explained. During the class questions are asked in order to stimulate student participation and assess the learning outcomes. In this way dogmatic exposition limitations will be corrected allowing a pedagogic interaction between teacher and student.

In laboratory classes, students execute the works proposed in the laboratorial program, with help of a laboratory sheet available in the week prior to the realization of the work.

Learning Outcomes

Most objectives of this course deals with the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of concepts. The theoretical classes allow the explanation of these concepts in a way easily understandable by students, and due to the teacher-student interaction by asking questions about the concepts that are being taught, the understanding of these concepts becomes easier.

In laboratory classes there is a close interaction teacher-student, where they perform basic techniques of microbiology, and the concepts acquired in the theoretical are applied in practical.    

Work Placement(s)



Program theoretical

The history and scope of Microbiology.

Microscopy: Magnification and resolving power. Staining: Gram, Ziehl-Neelsen and special staining.

Prokaryotic cell structure: Cell wall and peptidoglycan biosynthesis. Composition of walls from different bacteria: Gram positive, Gram negative, acid-fast and others.Components external and internal to cell wall.

Microbial growth: growth curve, mathematics of growth and methods to measure it. Environmental factors that influence microbial growth. Control of microorganisms by physical and chemical agents .

Microbial metabolism and genetics.

Phylogeny and bacterial taxonomy.

Brief presentation of Food and Environmental Microbiology.

General characteristics of Fungi.

Fungal diseases: superficial, sub-cutaneous, systemic and opportunistic mycoses.

Program laboratorial

Staining. Microbial growth. Isolation.

Fungi: Identification of reproductive structures. Identification of Candida albicans by filamentation

Head Lecturer(s)

Olga Maria Antunes Rodrigues Carvalho Cardoso

Assessment Methods

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%


Microbiologia. Wanda Ferreira, J. C. Sousa e Nelson Lima. Lidel  2010

Microbiology -a Human Perspective Ed. Nester, E. W., Roberts, C. E., Pearsall, N. N. Anderson, D. G. and Nester, M. T. 8th ed. McGraw Hill, Inc. 2016

Prescott´s Microbiology. Willey JM, Sherwood LM and Woolverton CJ ed. 10th ed. McGraw Hill, Inc. 2017

Brock Biology of Microorganisms. Madigan, Martinko and Parker ed. 12th ed. Pearson International Edition. 2009

Microbiology. An Evolving Science. Slonczewski and Foster ed. 1th ed. W. W. Norton 2009