Project Management

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

The background knowledge required for the achievement of the defined objectives are: History, Philosophy and Theory of Education, as well as the capacity for analysis and discussion of concepts, texts, ideas and educational practices from a theoretical perspective.

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit “Projects’ Management” explores strategic approaches to planning, organization, control and assessment of research and educational, training, social and organizational intervention projects.

Students will apply concepts, models and mechanisms of management to the development of two projects: a research project and an intervention project using appropriate software tools.

Learning Outcomes

To understand the theoretical models that support the project methodology.

To articulate processes of project management (planning, implementation and control) with the stages of the life cycle of a project (design, development, implementation and conclusion).

To recognize and value the personal, interpersonal, group and communication skills related to the professional activities of the project manager.

To develop research and intervention projects for different purposes and in different educational, training, organizational and socio-community contexts using appropriate software tools.

To mobilize resources in collaboration with different agents in a coordinated and cross-disciplinary manner.

To know the policies and legal regulations to support funding of research and intervention projects.

To develop research and intervention project proposals, using the normative legal support for funding.

Work Placement(s)



1. The Project Concept and theoretical models of support.

1.1. The project as a different way of thinking and acting: sense, anticipation, autonomy, motivation, effectiveness, transversality and transdisciplinarity.

1.2. Project methodology: rationale and developmental stages.

2. Strategic planning and operational planning of projects.

2.1. Strategic planning and operational planning project: preliminary sustainability issues.

2.2. The life cycle of a project, the dynamic cycle of project management and life in organizations.

2.3. Organization and leadership of a project: the development of skills related to project management (personal, interpersonal, teamwork and communication using appropriate software tools).

3. Research and intervention projects in educational, training, organizational and socio-community contexts.

4. Plan, develop and evaluate projects.

5. Funding Sources.

Head Lecturer(s)

Joaquim Luis Medeiros Alcoforado

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Individual work: 50.0%
Group work: 50.0%

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%


Alcoforado, L., Cordeiro, A. M. R., & Ferreira, A. G. (2013). O Turismo entendido como vetor estratégico em projetos educativos municipais promotores de desenvolvimento sustentado. Reflexões a partir do caso da Figueira da Foz. In F. Cravidão & N. Santos. Turismo e Cultura, (pp. 357-368). Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Aïm, R. (2007). L’essentiel de la gestion de projet. Paris: Gualino.

Bellenger, L., & Couchaere, M. J. (1992). Animer et gérer un projet. Paris: ESF.

Boutinet, J. P. (1996). Antropologia do Projecto. Lisboa: Instituo Piaget.

Caffarella, R. (2002). Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Comprehensive Guide.

San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Cordeiro, A. R; Alcoforado, J. L. M; & Ferreira, A. G. (2012). Projeto Educativo Local. Um processo associado a estratégias de desenvolvimento integrado e sustentável, Cadernos de Geografia, 30/31, 313 - 324.

Garel, G. (2003). Le management de projet. Paris: La Découverte.