Portuguese-Spanish Translation

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Advanced language skills in Portuguese and Spanish.

Teaching Methods

M1- Some expository or partially expository classes: presentation and discussion of concepts, questions and theoretical approaches;

M2- Discussion of theoretical texts on translation;

M3- Reading, analysis, commentary and discussion of diverse texts, especially from a translation perspective. Comparative text analysis;

M4- Discussion and confrontation of translation solutions. Translation criticism exercises;

M5- Practical translation exercises (Some of these activities can be realized in class or at home, individually or collectively).

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the semester, students should be able to:

C1– analyze texts of different genres, particularly from the viewpoint of translation;

C2– make a critical analysis of translations; distinguish, describe and evaluate the choices and strategies used in different translations of the same text;

C3– apply appropriate translation strategies to texts of different genres and fields;

C4– translate a wide variety of legal texts;

C5– apply the knowledge acquired in the 1st semester seminars, namely Theory of Translation, Advanced Composition Skills and Technical Writing, and Applied Informatics and Terminology.

Work Placement(s)



The syllabus may include:

1. Translation of different text types;

2. Translation-oriented text analysis;

3. Compilation of parallel texts; contrastive text analysis;

4. Translation problems;

5. Evaluation of problem solving strategies according to the function of the translatum;

6. Translation tools (dictionaries, glossaries, IT tools, etc.);

7. Glossaries and translation memories.

Assessment Methods

Participation in classroom discussions and activities: 30.0%
Homework assignments: 30.0%
Project: 40.0%


Bosque, I. (Dir) (2004). Dicc. combinatorio práctico del español contemporáneo. SM

Buitrago, A. (2008). Dicc. de dichos y frases hechas. Espasa.

Diaz Fouces, O (1999). Didáctica de la traducción (portugués-español). Universidad.

Garcia Yebra, V (1984). Teoría y práctica de la traducción. Gredos

Hurtado, A. (2017) Traducción y traductología. Introducción a la traductología. 7ª ed. Cátedra.

Nord, C (2017) Traducir, uma actividad com propósito. Frank & Timme.

El Trujamán. revista diaria de traducción. https://cvc.cervantes.es/trujaman/default.asp

Puntoycoma-Boletín de los traductores españoles https://ec.europa.eu/translation/spanish/magazine/es_magazine_en.htm

TRANS. Revista de traductología. www.revistas.uma.es/index.php/trans.

Dicc. SM http://clave.librosvivos.net/

Dicc. de la real Academia http://www.rae.es/

Dicc. Panhispánico de dudas http://www.rae.es/

Gran dicc. de uso del español actual (2006). SGEL.

Refranero Multilingue. https://cvc.cervantes.es/lengua/refranero/Default.aspx