Thesis Project

Academic year
Subject Area
Fire Safety Engineering
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Courses of the first semester of the 1st year of Fire Safety Engineering PhD programme and of the Urban Fire Safety Master.

Teaching Methods

Internship in companies or research institutions, including in first instance the Laboratories of the University of Coimbra (UC) that can provide a reference framework for the subjects which are to be addressed during the research stage.

Survey and analysis of relevant documentation on the subject of the thesis and development of a state of the art.

Evaluation from the existing information from the multiple available resources to carry out the research for his PhD thesis at a financial, human, computational, experimental and bibliographic level.

All project stages can be accompanied by the supervisor.

Learning Outcomes

In this course a document will be elaborated with supervision of the thesis supervisor. Initially the student will make a survey about the research possibilities that are offered at the University of Coimbra in the chosen subject area. This stage may also include a short internship in a company or institution that can provide a reference framework for the subjects that are intended to address during the research.

On a next step the student will do a survey and analysis about the relevant documentation on the chosen subjects in order to elaborate a draft document which should justify the theme choice as well as the importance of this to the knowledge in the field of the work. Will also carry out a survey on the state of the art, describe the problem(s) that intends to address, possible techniques or methodologies to solve the problem(s), an estimation of the outcome it seeks and scientific methods used to obtain those results.

Work Placement(s)



Depends on the candidate’s research subject in the field of Fire Safety Engineering. The syllabus will be defined case by case together with the student, his future supervisor and PhD coordinator, if necessary.

Head Lecturer(s)

João Paulo Correia Rodrigues

Assessment Methods

The final evaluation will be made in public defence of a project of thesis before a jury composed of three to five elements with the composition as defined in regulations of the courses of 3rd cycle of UC: 100.0%


Bibliografia diversa na área da Segurança Contra Incêndio. Diverse Bibliography in the area of Fire Safety.