Advanced Issues in Research

Academic year
Subject Area
Sociology/Economics/Geography/Political Sciences/Earth Sciences/Mechanical Engineering
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Access general conditions to the master programme apply.

Teaching Methods

The unit has a mostly practical dimension and covers different methods of teaching and learning, including: theoretical sessions, text analysis and workshop-space for presentation and discussion on experiences and research results. The seminar aims to facilitate understanding of the theoretical component of training and its links with the modus operandi in the process of scientific research. This strategy focuses on critical and reflective analysis of the various theoretical fundaments of addressed methodological strategies. Students have the opportunity to submit a project statement of its intentions in the context of research.

Learning Outcomes

The unit aims to provide theoretical and operational instruments for the methodological design of research projects to be developed by each student of the Master and to promote reflexive skills. With this aim in view, the requirements, limitations and potential of social research, will be approached and the importance of training for scientific research will be emphasized.

Work Placement(s)



1. Theoretical Paradigms for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities;
Research Design Process in SC&H;
2. How to design a research project
Topic selection; literature review; problem definition; research design concepts; definition of samples; writing of a research proposal
3. Characteristics of Qualitative Research Plans
Case Studies; Grounded theory; Ethnography; Phenomenology
4. Characteristics of Multi-Methodological or Mixed Plans
Research-action; evaluation; document analysis; synthesis of the literature.
5. Analysis of Qualitative Data
Qualitative Data Analysis - A grounded theory; the qualitative data analysis supported by CAQDAS software.
6. Production of information and criteria of validity and reliability
Relationship between plans, procedures, sources and data formats; strategies for methodological consistency; criteria for assessing the adequacy of the samples; aspects to consider in the process of interactive production and data analysis; how to think theoretically.

Assessment Methods

Preparation of responses, based on consultation with the materials indicated, to the issues raised in each session + Presentation of answers in class: 40.0%
Research proposal: 60.0%

Exam: 100.0%


COUTINHO, Clara Pereira - Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: Teoria e Prática, Coimbra, Almedina, 2011. [FEUC - BP 303 COU]

BECKER, Saul e BRYMAN, Alan (eds.)Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice. Themes, Methods and Approaches, Saul Becker e Alan Bryman (eds.), Bristol, Policy Press and the Social Policy Association, 2004. [FEUC - BP 303 UND].

FLICK, Uwe - Introdução à Pesquisa Qualitativa, Porto Alegre, Artmed/Bookman, 2009 (3ªed.), pp. 20-58; 129-139; 341-368. [FEUC – BP 001.8 FLI]

WELLER, Wivian & PFAFF, Nicole (orgs) - Metodologias da Pesquisa Qualitativa em Educação – Teoria e Prática, Petrópolis, Editora Vozes, 2010. [FEUC - BP 303 MET]