Pratical Studies I - Portuguese Traditional Games

Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Pratical class and assessment is:

Continuous assessment.

> 1 job (Individual) and 2 test

> Each attendance is worth 20 points and work will be worth 20 points. The sum of the frequencies and results of work by pupils will be divided by 3 and so the end result will be obtained;


Learning Outcomes

- Disclose the multicultural heritage of traditional games;
- Revitalize the practice in traditional recreational environment within and outside school
- Identify the internal logic of traditional games and discussed their potential training and education;
- Implement the practice as a means school education through the development and practical application exercises pedagogical progression which lead to the acquisition of specific skills of the game;
- Implement the practice as a means for recreation and leisure time;
- Implement the play by play and play traditional sports as an introductory basic interpersonal communication and motor equivalent.

Work Placement(s)



- Presentation of the discipline

- Presentation of the evaluation method

- Introduction to the assumptions praxiology Driving

- The traditional game as a teaching tool

- Psychomotor activity: making the ball of rags, rags ball trial

- Psychomotor activities: rim and gancheta, set of cakes, lying ass, ass up.

- Psychomotor activity: stilts.

- Seen sociomotriz cooperation: the game of the high passes and wins

- Take questions about the work-

- Seen sociomotriz cooperation: caqueiro round game, online, and dispersed.

- Seen sociomotriz cooperation-opposition: the game of the wall; the game by going back and forth, playing the nut, Game of the plaster (2 x 2) (4 X 4), beto game,. the game of Beth, an example of a practice desportivização playful traditional Portuguese Beto.

- Take questions about the work-

- Seen sociomotriz cooperation-opposition paradoxológica: seated ball game, ball game hunter e Pig game, set of three fields.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Rosa Fachardo Jaqueira

Assessment Methods

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous assessment
1 job (Individual) and 2 test : 100.0%


Jaouen, G. (2009). Entorno institucional de los juegos tradicionales y salud social. In G. Jaouen, P. Lavega & C. La Villa, Juegos tradicionales y salud social (pp. 17-27). Aranda del Duero: Asociación Cultural La Tanguila/Asociación

Europea de Juegos y Deportes Tradicionales.

Araújo, P. C. & Rodrigues, M. D. M. (2005). O Jogo do Beto em Portugal. In O Jogo do Beto no Concelho da Lousã: uma expressão singular portuguesa. (pp 57 a 76).

Lavega, P. L., Costes, A., Pubill, B. (2010). Jocs i esports tradicionals – A Catalunya. Alberti Editor SL, Sant Boi de Llobregat.

Mora, J. [et al] (2003). Un mundo en juego: propuestas didácticas para el trabajo de la educación intercultural

desde la educación física. Barcelona: Inde.

Suari Rodrigue C. (2005). Juegos Tradicionales: del currículum a la clase. Wanceulen Editorial Deportiva, S. L. Sevilla, España.