Sociology of Organisations

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Since this is an optional curricular unit for different courses, the effort to transfer themes related to life on organizations to sociology will be valued.

Teaching Methods

Lessons will alternate between lectures conducted by the professor and comments/presentations about the organizational reality conducted by the students.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the key role played by cultural and social dimensions of organizations, companies and institutions in general, based on a sociological overview informed by, on the one hand, concerns about efficiency, resource management and cost-effectiveness and, on the other, the issue of organizational employment and the socio-cultural dynamics of innovation and change. This will be analyzed in view of an open conception of organization and business, taking in consideration the continuous interaction between the subject and the environment or the general community.

Work Placement(s)



1. Organization, individuals and group.

2. Identity, people and organizations.

3. Actors and the system.

4. Conflict, negotiation and membership drive.

5. The role of culture on organizations.

6. Leadership and organizational development.


BAGLA, Lusin — Sociologie des organisations. Paris : Editions La Découverte, 2003. [BP 65.01 BAG]. BERNOUX, Philippe — A sociologia das organizações. Porto : Rés, 1997-1998. [BP 65.01 BER]. BERNOUX, Philippe — Sociologie du changement dans les entreprises et les organisations. Paris : Editions du Seuil, 2004. [BP 65.01 BER]. BILHIM, João Abreu de Faria — Teoria organizacional : estruturas e pessoas. 4ª ed. rev. e act. Lisboa : ISCSP, 2005. [BP 65.01 BIL]. CROZIER, Michel — A empresa à escuta. Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 1994. [BP 658 CRO]. FILLEAU, Marie-Georges ; MARQUES-RIPOULL, Clotilde — Teorias da organização e da empresa : das correntes fundadoras às práticas actuais. Oeiras : Celta Editora, 2002. [BP 65.01 FIL]. FREIRE, Adriano — Gestão empresarial japonesa : lições para Portugal : com mais de 150 exemplos práticos de empresas japonesas e portuguesas. 2ª ed.. Lisboa : Editorial Verbo, 1996. [BP 658 FRE]. HOFSTEDE, Geert — Culturas e organizações : compreender a nossa programação mental. Lisboa : Edições Sílabo, 1997. [BP 316.7 HOF]. MANUAL de psicossociologia das organizações. Coordenação J. M. Carvalho Ferreira, José Neves, António Caetano. Lisboa : Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal, 2001. [BP 65.01 MAN]. VELOSO, Luísa — Empresas, identidades e processos de identificação. Porto : Editora da Universidade do Porto, 2007.