Competition Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

With theoretical-practical classes it is possible to combine expository moments by the teacher with others in which students actively intervene to solve practical exercises, to present and discuss news from the press and to analyse case law. One or two speakers from the professional world will make presentations in class.

This dynamic methodological approach, will promote students interest and engagement with the subject and thus stimulate critical thinking and adequate decision-making from future corporate managers. 

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit intends to provide students, as future managers of companies and economic decision-makers, with relevant and practical knowledge about the legal and institutional framework, both European and national, that frames competition in the market.

Students will know and will be able to identify the main anti-competitive practices considered unlawful under European and national competition rules, the available institutions and the penalties to address them, as well as the relevance of articulating legal expertise with economic information and business strategy to handle competition regulation issues.

Work Placement(s)



1 Introduction:

- Market, competition and regulation

- Concept and objectives of competition law

- The scope of competition law


2.The public enforcement of EU and national competition law

- The rules applicable to undertakings: anti-competitive agreements; abuse of dominant position; mergers

- The rules applicable to EU Governments (State Aid)

- The institutional structure (administrative and judicial) for enforcing competition law


3. The private enforcement of competition law (the 2014 Directive on Antitrust Damages in Europe and the Law n.º 23/2018, of june 5)

Head Lecturer(s)

Catarina Cláudia Ferreira Frade

Assessment Methods

Research work: 10.0%
Other: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


EZRACHI, Ariel - EU competition law: an analytical guide to the leading cases, 6ª ed.. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018.

HENRIQUES, Miguel Gorjão (dir) - Lei da concorrência: comentário conimbricense, 2ª ed. Coimbra:  Almedina, 2017.

HENRIQUES, Miguel Gorjão. - Direito da União: história, direito, cidadania, mercado interno e concorrência. 9ª ed. Coimbra:  Almedina, 2019.

MARQUES, Maria Manuel Leitão et al. - Manual de introdução ao Direito. Saber direito para entender o mercado. 4.ª ed. Coimbra: Almedina, 2022.

SILVA, Miguel Moura e - Direito da concorrência. 2.ª ed. Lisboa:  AAFDL Editora, 2018.

SLOT, Pier Jan; FARLEY, Martin - An introduction to competition law, 2ª ed.. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2017.

WHISH, Richard; BAILEY, David - Competition Law, 10ª ed..Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.